the 100% directionless thread


One of our medics works for the OMI up in Odessa and she started talking about maggots. So we wound up trading stories of the oddest place we've ever found them on a scene
Hey JT keep an eye out for this fellow :D .....

This is great! :lol:

I Didnt see anything in there about Candidate Brown winning??? Did you concede?
I Didnt see anything in there about Candidate Brown winning??? Did you concede?

Nawwww......his race is just too close to call. Just like all the rest do far.

And the WA sneate race is still 50-50. With the dems leading by like 10,000. But we are only 60% reported, so there is still hope!
Brown was busy making his trademark Fudgealicious ....

2lb dark chocolate chips
One packet of marshmellows
One can of evaporated (condensed) milk
One egg
1c butter
1c sugar
2c flour
2t baking powder

Melt chocolate, butter, sugar, marshmellows and condensed milk in a pot over medium heat, stirring frequently, do not allow to burn!

Mix together with flour, egg and baking powder


Caution may cause heart palpatations, diabetes, blurry vision, sweating, nausea and weight gain
Sounds nommy. What are the details on the baking?

The past few elections, I've noticed something. It doesn't matter who wins or loses, but the people you see complaining about the results online generally seem unable to type/spell/communicate in anything resembling English.

Political persuasion aside, I'm kinda glad the people they vote for don't win.
The past few elections, I've noticed something. It doesn't matter who wins or loses, but the people you see complaining about the results online generally seem unable to type/spell/communicate in anything resembling English.

Wate whut? I kan spel just fin. :P

I can't believe that the Federal Senate face is even close. How can an incumbent, who consistently performs as one of the least effective senators in DC even be close to winning?

C'mon people!
Hey, I said "generally," haha.

It's just hard to take people seriously when they complain about the results, condemn the victors, and spout such nonsense as "BloO iS Troo, reD is dEd!!1"

Um...honey? Why don't you go play while the grownups talk.
While I was at work my dad got taken to the hosptial via ambulance. Can't get a hold of my mom, don't know what hospital he's at. aw;liiejrg;olawejg;oaerijgaw;oigjawr;oehijaewr;oigjawro;gjW;OEIGJrogjW;OEIJG;OAERHJA;JKLGH;LKSFJH;lkj;lsakjrhg;lksfdjh

ETA, got ahold of mom. Appendix, he's having surgery tonight.
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Well, My "Brown Fudgealicious" did not turn out well at all. it was forgotten in the oven for way too long.