Thank you I really appreciate that! A lot of people think ultrasound is just looking at babies. Oh no. We get into the piezoelectric crystals, matching layers, pulse repetition periods, pulse repetition frequency. We scan EVERYTHING. Small parts, vascular, cardio, testicular, ob, abdomen, also we can scan the brain before the foramen closes on a baby to make sure everything is alright. We also have to make sure that our faces don't change when we look at someone's liver and it's full of cancer. That is sonography. And when the baby doesn't have a heart beat or that lump on that 25 year old woman's breast is actually stage 4 breast cancer. I get to find out first. And all I get to say is, "I'm sorry I can't give you results." Then I realized. I need more I can't scan all my life. So that's when I chose EMT. So now I'll just get to be on the front line instead of the loop. So just thank you for saying that I can do it. I needed that.