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I really don't want to get into the politics of the whole issue, as I like most in EMS, Fire,Police, Military and the like see everything in black and white and expect most here do also and will hold firmly to their beliefs no matter what evidence is put forward.With that said me and my wife and quite a few people I know own dogs who are what are considered vicious/ aggressive breeds sans issues. My dog has been attacked not once but twice by other dogs while walking on a leash, both aggressive dogs, a husky and a boxer , would most likely not make any areas banned list. Whilst my dog certainly would. BTW I am not a rapper nor do I run a meth lab but I am a fan of dogs and was raised with and been around most of the breeds that are considered aggressive sans issues. As noted by some of the more informed here they are docile and friendly until their good nature is trained out of them. Below is a pic of my daughter and family dog.

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