Tenn. firefighter-medic fends off pit bulls with spine board

I really don't want to get into the politics of the whole issue, as I like most in EMS, Fire,Police, Military and the like see everything in black and white and expect most here do also and will hold firmly to their beliefs no matter what evidence is put forward.With that said me and my wife and quite a few people I know own dogs who are what are considered vicious/ aggressive breeds sans issues. My dog has been attacked not once but twice by other dogs while walking on a leash, both aggressive dogs, a husky and a boxer , would most likely not make any areas banned list. Whilst my dog certainly would. BTW I am not a rapper nor do I run a meth lab but I am a fan of dogs and was raised with and been around most of the breeds that are considered aggressive sans issues. As noted by some of the more informed here they are docile and friendly until their good nature is trained out of them. Below is a pic of my daughter and family dog.
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Death by drowning, as she's likely to lick you to death. Also sorry all have tried to resize photo and it just won't take.
pics like that remind me of the news story (probably about 10 years ago) when a family pit bull ripped the face off of a toddler and killed him.

No i do not wish for that to EVER happen to anyone, No i've never met a pit bull that did that, or anyone that it happened too, but i remember that news story and it makes me think, sure, "you're safe... until you accidently shut the dog's tail in the door..." or something horrificly simple that makes the dog snap.

Again, sure it could happen to any breed. And its never a tragedy, until after something tragic happens.

I love dogs, have two laying on my leather couch right now. My dogs are a mixed breed catahoula leapord cur (that's a boar hunting / cattle herding breed) mixed with labrador.

We used to rescue catahoulas. The rescue agency sent us a partially blind, alpha female, that they had difficulty placing. This dog had problems from the start. Couldn't walk down a narrow hallway, for fear. We assumed it was peripheral blindness that made her so jumpy in closed spaces. She lunged, snapped at, and almost bit me on day 1. We cared for her for about 8-9 months, all the while dealing with her quirky, nervous nature. Then one night, my wife tried to get her to move, so that she could lay down on the couch with me and the dog snapped at her. She got so close to biting my wife that there were 4 puncture holes in the excess material on her long sleeve pajamas. Dog was gone the next day.

Its not any particular breed, it could be any dog, for any number of circumstances. Does that put me at risk for one of my dogs eating my face and killing me, yup. Do i think it will happen, no. Am I afraid that some dogs might freak out, depends really on the owner.... most of the time.
Believe me my wife and I had second thoughts about getting any dog not just a pit because of the stories you hear on the news. A german shepherd or Lab that snaps could do just as much damage to a small child or even a larger one as I also have a 12 year daughter, as a pit. When I was a kid we had Rotties, Dobermans, and shepherds. Guess what types of dogs I've been attacked by Schitzu's and a mutt, obviously not my dogs. I'm not of the persuasion to ignore on aggression on a dogs part as I do have children. If any dog we were going to take into our house was showing agression it would quickly go back to where it came from. As for my dog, she even likes cats, doesn't know what to make of them but when she gets around them she is more interested than aggressive.