I took a dumbed down Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology and Paramedic Prep course before Paramedic school.
I took a lot of other courses afterward for Pre-Med, Pre-Nursing, Nursing and NP.
If I were doing Paramedic all over, I would take Anatomy with a Cadaver Lab, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Medical Terminology, Biology I, Chemistry I, Intro to Psych, Lifespan Development, Nutrition and a class on endocrinology before beginning Paramedic School.
Obviously, you don’t need the Sophmore/Junior Pre-Med stuff like OChem, BioChem, Bio II, Chem II, Physics I and II, Genetics, etc.
If you took the basics before Paramedic school, you can walk in and learn Cardiology in 3-4 weeks. If you don’t, you’re learning Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Electrophysiology, Medical Terminology and possibly even Nutrition and lifespan development when you begin to learn what a bundle branch block is.
If you have all of those basics beforehand, the concepts are not hard to grasp. The reason that medic school has so much “teach yourself the information” is because the prerequisites which should be required (and are required for similar professions like nursing, respiratory therapy, radiation therapy, dietetics, etc) is not required because that would force us to have a degree, and the fire chief’s unions and the nursing unions spend big money to prevent that.