Taking the National Written

Kayla kovago

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Any advice for taking the National Written? I passed my EMT-B class, and did great on the practical. I am a horrible test taker, and even worse when it comes to standardized tests. I have been out of class for about a month, and because of various life events will not be able to take the test for another couple of weeks. Any study tips or advice for taking this test?
Use the search bar on here. You'll find some pretty good info, it may be dated but its still useful.
When I took my NREMT-B, I had been out of my EMT class for about 2 months. Not to mention my EMT class was a 5 week cram session, so my education was pretty much garbage. None of my instructors actually worked as EMTs, they were all corpsman. When I found out that I was taking my national, I had three days notice. So I went to the closest bookstore and purchased the EMT for Dummies book, crammed the **** out of it and passed no problem.

When I took my advanced, I used emtprep.com, signed up for 30 days. I did about a 100 practice questions a day and did the study guide they provided. I would highly recommend emtprep, helped out a lot.
Honestly I found it incredibly Eaaaassyyy! I didn't do any prep or anything, however I did highlight most of the text book, so that mighta been a bit of a help. It cut me off at 79.
If It cuts you off early it either means you did amazing, or you've done so bad you can't possibly pass. Good luck!
Medictests.com helped me pass my test.

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My advice is to understand how the test works. It's a computer adaptive test which means that the test generates new questions based on how you answered the previous ones. It asks progressively harder questions until it finds one that you miss, and by doing so calculates a score range for you. What that also means is that the test is very good at identifying weaknesses. As you are studying, think back to your class and the areas that were weaknesses for you and study those areas extra well. When I took the test I think I missed a question on cyanide poisoning and I noticed that a larger portion of the questions remaining had to do with toxicology. As I said the test will hunt out your weaknesses like the Predator.
Personally for any test I study and review the material thoroughly, I study hard for about 45 minutes and take a 10 minute break then go back to studying. Also a good nights rest goes a long way for me. I have NEVER studied the day of the test.
Can't seem to pass the nremt-b , I'm at the point that I'm trying to take the NYC paper exam, which is killing me inside. Going on my fourth attempt and stressed out of my mind with this refresher course..pray for me
1. Slow down. Read the questions thoroughly and understand what they're asking for.
2. Know the differences between stable and unstable situations. Are the signs and symptoms the question is describing pointing to general allergic reaction, or is this anaphylaxis? Is this angina or an MI?
3. Know you're medical assessment sheet. For example: you've assessed the patient's circulation, now what?
4. Remember that respiratory and cardiac emergencies the bread and butter of an EMT student, so know how to treat either type of emergency.
I completed EMT school, studied my *** off for 1 week then took the National Registry, I thought I failed it at 1st because a lot of the questions it asked was weird and seemed advance but I chose answers that I learned and heard of, the test shut off automatically around 40-60 questions, I went home told all my classmates that I no **** failed and that the test was extremely hard and for them to study their asses off. 3 days later I decided to check the NREMT website and saw that I passed and I got my credentials a few days later, then I applied for my states license...