"Taking Chance"


Airfield Operations
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I hope that this doesn't violate the TOS for advertising, but I'll gladly take the hit if it does...

At 8 pm (EST) on Feb 21st, HBO is airing a movie based on a true story. "Taking Chance" is the story of a Marine officer (Kevin Bacon) escorting the body of a Marine PFC home to his final resting place in Wyoming. It follows the Marines during their journey from start to finish and the events that occur along the way. You can see the trailer for the movie here, but I will tell you that if the movie is 1/10th as good as the preview, it's gonna be a heck of a film. I have had the privledge of witnessing how the military honors their fallen when transiting through the airport I work at, and it is a stirring sight. As as retired Senior NCO I will admit to a bit of bias, but many of my equally grizzled peers have also admitted that their screens fogged up a bit while watching the preview. Anyone with a connection to the military will want to see it, and those without a connection to the military should see it. Thanks for looking... TF
Looks superb. I wish I had HBO.

I have the utmost respect for any man or woman who has served the United States in battle.

Hmm. I'll have to plan work accordingly since they have HBO in the station I'll try to get on the very slow station that day so I can watch it.
that looks like a great movie, I will definitely watch thanks for the heads up.
Dangit! No HBO here. As a Marine, that story causes 'eye issues' every time.
No more HBO for me. Dumped them when they dumped Deadwood.
yea thanks for the heads up, no HBO but I have ways around that ;)
Dangit! No HBO here. As a Marine, that story causes 'eye issues' every time.

With the Army... we call it having sinus issues =) That is awesome what they (HBO) are doing with the movie. I see it way too many times (soldiers coming back hurt or worse) working on a military post. It doesn't get any easier...
Dang, didn't need the sinus issues at work.

thanks for posting.

Things like that always make you remember your fallen brothers, sure hope that gets easier over time.
Dang, didn't need the sinus issues at work.

thanks for posting.

Things like that always make you remember your fallen brothers, sure hope that gets easier over time.

Nope, never gets easier. And quite frankly, I dont want it to.
Nope, never gets easier. And quite frankly, I dont want it to.

I know what you mean. After reading the linked article, I remembered why it is important that it not get easier.