
Forum Ride Along
2017 Tactical Training Courses

Mercyhealth’s Tactical Training Center in Janesville, WI provides vital hands-on tactical training for public safety professionals.
While these courses take a tactical slant, the focus is on an all-hazards approach to providing care outside the normal operating conditions of most EMS and law enforcement agencies, such as responding to a mass casualty or active shooter event.

As a leader in public safety training, Mercyhealth offers the following tactical training courses in 2017:

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
Dates: January 21 (Saturday Course), July 17, March 13, May 23,
September 5, November 8
Length: 8 Hours
Cost: $100
This course covers topics designed to decrease and treat preventable causes of death in the tactical environment. Topics include hemorrhage control, airway management, treatment of chest wounds, techniques for extracting casualties, introduction to rescue task force and much more.
Register Online @

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Advanced/Refresher
Dates: March 14, July 18, November 9
Length: 8 Hours
Cost: $100
This course serves as a refresher and continuation of the TECC course. An extensive scenario-based approach is utilized with students conducting multiple casualty evaluations in a tactical environment. Prior completion of a Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course is a prerequisite for attendance.
Register Online @

Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) Advanced/Refresher
Dates: April 10-12
Length: 24 Hours
Cost: $325
This 3 day course serves as a refresher for providers wishing to reinforce their tactical medical skills in a training environment. Participants resfresh and advance their understanding of TEMS principals, practices and skills necessary for providing medical support to law enforcement operations. This is a great course to supplement previous TEMS training or serve as re-qualification for current providers. Perquisite: Prior completion of a TEMS Course.
Register Online @

Online: Register online at Payment is bycredit card only. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted

By phone: Call the Mercyhealth Healthline, (888) 39-MERCY(63729)

*Enrollments with purchase order/invoice for payment: Purchase orders are accepted by phone only to the Mercyhealth Healthline.

Save The Date: Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS)

This course incorporates lectures, practice and scenario-based training. Participants learn foundation principles, practices and skills necessary for providing medical support to law enforcement operations. Emphasis is on medical models and skills effective for supporting special operations teams during high-risk, large-scale and extended operations. Concepts and skills taught are also relevant to all law enforcement operations.
Length: 40 hours
Dates: October 24-27
Visit in 2017 for more information


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