Tacoma Community College


Has no idea what I'm doing.
So I looked a bit and did not find too much on this school. From what little I have seen from other sites it seems to be a pretty good school but really their is not much info about it. If anyone here has gone their for the medic program what was your impressions of it? What was good about it? What was bad about it? How were the clinicals?


I know a guy who knows a guy.
I went to TCC for the Medic program. Excellent program, well respected by all of the departments on the West side of the state. Mike Smith, while old school still has a lot to offer and you may enjoy his war stories. Melissa Stoddard, the co-instructor and clinical coordinator is excellent. Dr. Morse, from the ED at Harrison in Bremerton is the Medical Director and teaches a fair amount of the course. His lectures are always excellent. Clinicals are done at all the area hospitals, OB and Psych at St. Joes. Tubes used to be at Auburn, but I don't know if that's still the case. There are a large number of ride along sites, you usually ride at two. (I picked Sno 1 and ALS in Yakima).

What else do you want to know?


Has no idea what I'm doing.
Right now I am just starting to do my research. I did not get into nursing school this year. So I am going to keep working and try again next year. Planning on retaking a few classes as well as a few new ones. Just looking at what I want to do in life, and as much fun as being a flight nurse would be, I would still love to be a medic in the long run. I prefer pre-hospital to hospital work. Heck I can always go back to school for my RN later in life. I am looking at central as well but I don't think I want to move. I have heard good things about TCC's program and wanted to get some more opinions. Currently talking to someone in the office about the pre-requisites. Mainly will my two quarters of A&P cover human biology requirement. Hopefully I will hear back about that soon.

How manageable is the course workload would you say? From what it sounds like the instructors are helpful. And from what it looks like the clinicals are all over the place which is nice since I will be living in Woodinville at the time. Really, like I said at the start, I am just trying to get an idea of the school and just getting my ducks in a row to apply next year along with the gambit of nursing schools on my list.

Just out of curiosity what does the East side of the state think? Did you have any issues with the program? Or anything that you feel should have been covered more?


I know a guy who knows a guy.
It's a full time job, between clinicals, rides and class. Working a part time job maybe doable, but I'd focus on the class.

The class was a little weak on 12 leads, but I (and most of my friends) filled in the gaps with extra classes.

You'll find that the east siders favor CWU's program, while the west siders like TCC and Harborview.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
What is just placement or reading the 12 leads? (or both?) Im pretty sure I am going to apply next year to TCC as well as to nursing schools. If I get into both then I will have to chose but I will deal with that when I get there. Thanks for you help.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
What is just placement or reading the 12 leads? (or both?) Im pretty sure I am going to apply next year to TCC as well as to nursing schools. If I get into both then I will have to chose but I will deal with that when I get there. Thanks for you help.

I don't know what the process is like now, but when I applied for TCC there were over 300 applicants for 24 spots. If you make it past the EMT entrance exam, I'd bring my A game. :)

Also, I felt the program was lax in providing an advanced 12 lead interpretation module. You'll leave know how to identify a STEMI, but for anything more advanced, you'll have to get additional education. As opposed to CWU, where the students spend an entire quarter on 12 leads. As far as preparing students for actual clinical and field time, In my opinion, TCC does an excellent job, far beyond the CWU program. I observed students from both programs riding where I was working, and the TCC students seemed to have a much better grasp on managing scenes and putting together treatment plans on the fly. Not to say that CWU is a bad program, far from it. The BS in paramedic Science is an excellent program.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
Well, thought I would dig up this old thread and say I am just waiting on my student ID to put in my application. Have everything lined up except for one reference. Hard to have two professional references who are knowledgeable in my EMT skills when you have only worked with one partner for the time you've worked there and when you NEVER interact with supervisors. Think I will find one of the people I have worked with a few times and have them do one. Other than that I am ready.

Question though. You mentioned an entrance exam but nothing on their site, least what I have seen, mentions an entrance exam. Does anyone know if they still are doing one or if they got rid of it? Also what does it test on?


I am from Portland, although I have been outside the U.S. for a few years. I took my medic in WA state. I herd positive things about the TCC program when I was in Vancouver WA, and I am also now completing my BS with the CWU Paramedicine degree. So if you have any questions about that feel free to ask. Goodluck either way.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
It's an EMT knowledge exam. If you call Mike or Melissa, they'll be happy to answer any questions for you.