Just out of curiosity, do you meant that the ROE needs to be loosened? Or is it more of a change of mission into a search/destroy Taliban forces rather than "hearts and minds"?
I think the ROE needs to loosened
a little bit. I'm certainly not advocating rolling into villages and shooting everything in sight. However, opening things up so that we could be somewhat offensive, rather than 110% defensive would be a great start. It is also my *personal opinion* that warning shots should be brought back as part of EOF.
Putting more effort in the search/destroy mission would also be good, however, see below:
You will never, EVER "kill all the bad guys", or "crush the Taliban."
Know why? Because there is an almost limitless supply of foreign fighters with an infinitely sustainable source of income and weapons.
The difference between a civillian and a "bad guy" changes on a daily and hourly basis, deoending on wether or they wanna make five bucks to pick up that initiator.
We arent in a "red vs. Blue" war. Fighting an insurgency is much more complex.
Trying to run search/destroy ops is extremely difficult because, just as Doczilla pointed out, the enemy changes on an hourly basis. So we try to put more effort into intelligence to root out local taliban commanders, and regional leadership. But that presents it's own challenges. I don't want to get to deep into that, 'cause it's not really my lane.
I think most (90%) of Afghans don't really care one way or the other who is governing them, because they are not going to follow that goverment anyway. They are loyal to their family and their tribe, and that is all. After that, they just want to be left alone to ranch their goats. They'll smile and be friendly to whoever is standing in front of them right now (American or talilban), and then stab that group in the back as soon as the other one rolls into the village. I certainly don't have any answers to that situation.
Here's my biggest dilemma: It is my personal opinion that we haven't had another successful terrorist attack (think 9/11 magnitude) on US soil, because the bad guys have been too busy committing their resources to fighting us in Afghanistan. Sure, there have been a few attempts, but they have been poorly planned and resourced, ultimately leading to their failure.
So, in order to defend the country, do we continue sending troops over there to keep the bad guys busy in their own back yard?
Again, my personal opinion only.