Summer Paramedic Course

The program that I am in is a degreed program (Associates) and the classes are measured in college credit hours including the EMT-Basic class. The prerequisites to get into the major aren't as extensive as the RN program though. It would certainly prepare students better for their future in healthcare if they were. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the diversity of classes in the major. By the time I'm done it will have taken almost three years to complete.

Hopefully someday (soon) a degree will be required to become a paramedic. If we are to be considered professionals, we need the schooling to compete with other health care professions.

I agree; I think this is exactly what my university is moving towards. The idea is that requiring more rigorous pre-requisite courses such as A&P and cardiology can only improve the quality of EMS education and further legitimize the field. Some of my EMS professors are PhDs, and all of them have post-graduate academic training, at a minimum, in addition to their EMS certifications.
Only Oregon and maybe one other state require a degree and it is only an Associates (2 year).

Is your Paramedic program an Associates degree from a college when finished?

Is the A&P college level with it being two semesters in length, each with lab? Or, is it the overview version for Paramedics?

is the other state mississippi, because an instructor told me last night that we need an AAS.
When did that change occur?

I looked it up too, and it's false. The instructor made a mistake. As stated, A&P is required. However it's true that a few programs push or require an AAS to graduate. I talked to a few schools today.