I see dead people
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You arent supposed to lift while pregnant
Ummm, not entirely true. It depends upon alot of different factors. If you are healthy, and are having an uncomplicated pregnancy most OBs will tell you that you will be able to continue doing anything that you are currently used to doing until it becomes uncomfortable for you. There are a few exceptions, but lifting generally isn't one of them.
When I was pregnant with my son, my plan was to continue working on my truck as long as I was able to comfortably do so and my OB was cool with that. We talked about what my job required and he told me that there was no reason why I would not be able to continue working for most of my pregnancy if that is what I wanted to do. However, at eight weeks I began having alot of cramping. Since I had already had two miscarriages prior, it was light duty for me for the rest of my pregnancy. I just didn't want to feel like I had done something to cause it if I were to miscarry again, which, fortunately did not happen.