Study tips for national registry


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I am about to take my NREMT exam and was wanting some study tips. All advice is accepted.

Read your book

Good luck
Ok thanks.
Have you ever heard of LC-ready. I used it all the time and I think it helped a lot. Try it out.
used books...

my advice would be to go to a used bookstore and get some EMT books which have questions and answers. I got 3 of those books for about $7 apiece and used them to study for the state written boards, which I apssed with a score of 94. I found that taking the practice tests from these books, and writing down all the questions & answers that I got wrong in a separate note book was a good study aid. I'm studying now for NREMT...:unsure:
$30 for a 30-day subscription to Totally worth it. I used it every day for like two weeks, and it was a really good preparation for the NREMT written. I passed at 70 questions on first attempt.
Can anyone direct me to the link for the jblearning test prep?
Study Airway, OB/GYN and make sure you know your vitals. They will give you a patient in a question with certain vitals that point out to certain signs/symptoms. Passed my National in April.
Every NR test is different, that why its called ADAPTIVE testing. It finds, through your incorrect answers, where you are weak and asks several additional questions in that area to determine base competency. To truly prepare, you should study all of the material in your review guide. If you have a broad basic knowledge, you should be fine.
Hey guys great forum. This is my first post and I didn't want to start a new thread so I searched and this one seems as good as any to ask my Q.
I'm about a month in to my emt basic class and while I take good notes & carry my nb every place for quick reference that's something I would prefer to leave at home rather than subject to the summer elements. I'm looking for possible ebooks and app study guides / refresher on android / Google play store so I can have access on both my phone & tablet.
So far the ebook that looks most promising is the "Cliff's Notes" and the app is "EMT B quick study guide" by Hemmorage Media LLC.
Anyone have experience with either one or have any recommendations?
Hey guys great forum. This is my first post and I didn't want to start a new thread so I searched and this one seems as good as any to ask my Q.
I'm about a month in to my emt basic class and while I take good notes & carry my nb every place for quick reference that's something I would prefer to leave at home rather than subject to the summer elements. I'm looking for possible ebooks and app study guides / refresher on android / Google play store so I can have access on both my phone & tablet.
So far the ebook that looks most promising is the "Cliff's Notes" and the app is "EMT B quick study guide" by Hemmorage Media LLC.
Anyone have experience with either one or have any recommendations?

I used Jb learning and EMT National Training for my Basic test. I tried a few Phone app study guides, but they were all terrible. I really would tell you don't stress about the basic. The hardest part about that test is the way they ask the questions not the questions themselves. I found EMT National Training to be similar to the NREMT, maybe even harder, so I would use that to get ready for it if I was you. Hope this helps and good luck
Thanks for the reply. Going by the user reviews of the apps most have said they were awful anyways.
My other option was to take some time and transfer the "important" parts of my notes into some google docs and store them in drive.
As crazy as it sounds I've been testing great so far but have been having a hell of a time getting primary / secondary / reassessment etc down. It's like some kind of mental block & I'm wicked over thinking it.