struggling with Epcr


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So I'm finished with my precepting time and I'm comfortable with everything else such as: patient care,vitals, vehicle maneuvering, transferring etc. While I know very well that I do not know everything and still have much to learn I am comfortable with my current ability to provide patient care.

However I am struggling with the Epcr side of things...more so the software itself.

My agency uses Rescue net epcr. It feels a little bit overwhelming and while my coworkers have assured me that it will take time to learn and mistakes will happen. I still would like some outside help or tips for navigating it. Patient care reports on paper are to me at least very straightforward. But the epcr is a little more tricky for me.

Any advice or tips anything would be greatly appreciated!!

And yes I am a new emt and this is my first job as one. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
One thing I used to do is keep a "sample" narrative available when writing up reports. I spent a while writing up what I thought was the perfect narrative for a call I did, and printed it out. I used that as a template for writing up other narratives.
Find out if there is a way to make up practice ePCRs on the computer and then on your downtime practice writing them. When we made a major change to our ePCR system that is what I did.
Thanks guys. This is good advice.

On a side note and yes its a little off topic but am I alone in saying that I work better when someone (such as a medic or teacher) is not watching me? When I was writing an epcr I felt as if I was "under the gun" when a medic was watching. When I was alone on the other hand and able to focus on my patient and the paperwork I worked a lot better and under less stress.

Either way I will be practicing and taking your advice. Thank you both!