Still here


Forum Safety Officer
Just wanted to drop a note to let everyone know I'm still here, even though I haven't been on much for the past couple weeks. I've just been incredibly busy lately.

As you know, I've been teaching an Emergency Response class for the Red Cross every Monday night.

I'm also serving on a subcommittee of our City Council that's looking at the level of service our FD currently provides (primarily EMS, but also some fire suppression) and possible funding options to increase the same. We've been meeting every couple weeks.

I've also been going through Engineer training at the FD, learning how to drive the engines and operate the pumps, and working on the Class B licensing requirements through the DMV.

Plus, I serve on the Board of Trustees at our church, and am the chair of the Parsonage Committee. Unfortunately, with all the rain we've had, our parsonage has developed a few leaks and yours truly has had the honor of fixing them.

And, to top it all off, my dad and I are pouring a new concrete (with brick inlay) walk in front of our house and digging another walkway around the garage.

So, that's what's been going on in my life lately.


Community Leader Emeritus
Wow, I think I might have met someone that's actually busier than me!

Hang in there - everything you're doing sounds very worthwhile.

We miss you, but we'll find a way to muddle through until you have more time to spend with us. ;)


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader

Never again will I complain about having too much to do.

You have a lot going on right now, and I understand that, but I'm still going to have to cut your pay. I'll go ahead and cut it by 25%, and give ffemt8978 a 25% raise ;)

Seriously though, best of luck on staying on top of all those activities.

Take care,