State Certification


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Hey guys/gals,

I don't post here a lot but I do read the information and questions that are posting. I just finished my EMT-B course and have kind of been left hanging by my instructors as to how I should proceed to the state certification process. Do any of you have any wisdom as to where I can sign up for my written test?

Any legitimate pointers would be wonderful, a website or something.

Thanks for taking your time to help, it is appreciated.
So handy. And rather beautifully done. Though, I have to admit, while the sarcasm was warranted, it was unneeded. I do thank you though...turns out I Googled the wrong thing...
On the bright side, at least its Utah this time, you could be like the hundred other people asking about California.
Again, thanks for the help. I will strive to not be such a imbecile in the future <_<
Buck up... we've all been there.
So handy. And rather beautifully done. Though, I have to admit, while the sarcasm was warranted, it was unneeded. I do thank you though...turns out I Googled the wrong thing...

This forum survives on sarcasm...don't tell the mods I said that.
Strange. Our instructor held our hand all the way through, including during state practicals.
Strange. Our instructor held our hand all the way through, including during state practicals.

Most of the NYS classes have testing in the class at the end of the course. KISS is the only way to go... lol
If you knew how bass ackwards Utah OEMS was you wouldn't say that! ;-D
I don't trust anywhere that limits the sale of full-strength beer.