so ive decided to go on to paramedic school

I don't think they sell the Cardiology II anymore

However has very good scope for cheaper than other places.
If you are entering medic school, make sure your life is ready for the committment. Try to keep your non-school related stress to a minimum. You will find out in the year of school, who your friends are and who were just acquaintences. You will find out if your relationship is strong enough to withstand absence, stress and challenge.

If there's shakiness anywhere else in your life, you will find out while you are in this process. Medic school will take up all your time, energy, money and leave you sleepless and questioning why you bothered to go through this. You will need a support network to get through it.

I believe a lot of it is manufactured stress to see how well you can deal with pressure. But, its stress none the less.
awesome! ill take that into consideration thanks for all of your help. How long have you been a medic mikey
about a year and a couple of months...went from EMT-B to EMT-P right away. it was easy just more book work.
You know there is an accelerated Paramedic program that is 1 year total. 6 months of didactic and 6 months of intern...if you have the time you have the option of doing your internship after call and do the whole thing in 6 months. People knock it who haven't tried it but they are usually IMO the best schools cause you tend not to forget things when they come at you all at one time. I know a lot of medics that took these and they know and retained a lot more than I did when I went. Just something to think about.
You know there is an accelerated Paramedic program that is 1 year total. 6 months of didactic and 6 months of intern...if you have the time you have the option of doing your internship after call and do the whole thing in 6 months. People knock it who haven't tried it but they are usually IMO the best schools cause you tend not to forget things when they come at you all at one time. I know a lot of medics that took these and they know and retained a lot more than I did when I went. Just something to think about.

Sorry, but for retainment purposes it would be very difficult in learning the didactic, and then the procedures and materials; then three months later attempt to perform the skills. I would hate to be the clinical professor having to review the material for each clinical area.
Why not integrate the didactic with the clinicals..? Would it not make sense to I.V. therapy then obtain "hands on" for comparison and retainment, the same as ECG's? I do wonder what advantage this type of programs would offer and why they would consider such?

As well, I am totally against accellerated Paramedic programs < 2 years. It takes several hours of didactic, lab practice, and clinical settings to even to master the safe phase of Paramedical care.

R/r 911
You know there is an accelerated Paramedic program that is 1 year total. 6 months of didactic and 6 months of intern...if you have the time you have the option of doing your internship after call and do the whole thing in 6 months. People knock it who haven't tried it but they are usually IMO the best schools cause you tend not to forget things when they come at you all at one time. I know a lot of medics that took these and they know and retained a lot more than I did when I went. Just something to think about.

My medic is 1 year and it isn't considered accelerated. And didatic and clinincal are done side by side.
Sorry, but for retainment purposes it would be very difficult in learning the didactic, and then the procedures and materials; then three months later attempt to perform the skills. I would hate to be the clinical professor having to review the material for each clinical area.
Why not integrate the didactic with the clinicals..? Would it not make sense to I.V. therapy then obtain "hands on" for comparison and retainment, the same as ECG's? I do wonder what advantage this type of programs would offer and why they would consider such?

As well, I am totally against accellerated Paramedic programs < 2 years. It takes several hours of didactic, lab practice, and clinical settings to even to master the safe phase of Paramedical care.

R/r 911
like said if you have the time you do have the option of doing your internship/clinicals at the same time as call and do it all in 6 months. apparently they figure that something is right since they can go to class and learn a skill and then get out of class and see it done or apply it. better than didactic one year then intern the next IMO, except for the fact that each day you can only apply what you just learned and not what else you are going to learn.
well im doing the 2 year 1 year diadetic then clinicals
Y'know... Rid is really turning into a parent - the more I grow up, the less I think Rid is crazy.

Working clinical shifts (in a hospital or ambulance) at the same time as your class seems to be the best way. You get to apply what you've learned immediately after learning it...not 6 months down the road. Additionally, when you have questions, you can go to class the next week and discuss the patient encounter and LEARN from it.

Most programs around here are set up for 2-3 days of class and 1-2 clinical shifts a week. One program teaches class for 2-3 weeks, then has a 2 week break for clinicals, then does class again.

Of course, after you FINISH school, you then do a 2-month field internship, working on a prehospital ALS unit, acting as a paramedic, with limited preceptor support. This is the make-it or break-it time (Trust me... I know).

so we have a quite lengthy assignment for the summer. WOW lots of work cant wait to start the didactic though! Ive done a bunch of ride alongs too lots of fun