Should this be an approved worker's comp claim?

Well, we are pretty loose with drinking after each other around here, unfortunately. And he's notorious for drinking straight out of the lemonade/juice/milk container. And mono incubates for 3-7 weeks, so I had no idea of any of this till he came down sick, and he didn't either till his dr included mono on the list of things he was ruling out.

Now, trading spit with your partner? I know for sure he wasn't kissing her (not his type ;) ) but there is that "sharing a radio mic" thing.

So you want worker's comp to pay because you guys share drinks when he knew he had been exposed to a sick person? He knew she was sick, didn't stop to wipe the mic off with an alcohol pad or anything? Did she not cover her mouth when she coughed? Takes all of two seconds. I wipe down every peice of shareable equipment in the truck at work before I use it and between each patient to cut down on the chance transmitting something from one of my patients to me, or one of my patients to another patient.
Wouldn't this be under the Ryan White Care Act as he was on the clock and had an "exposure" even though it wasn't Pt contact.

Can't do workmans comp tho. thats only if an "injury" occurs on the job... not a sickness. I know this cause I was exposed to pneumonia at the hospital and I couldn't claim it as workmans comp. He could go on disablility though. It's not as well paying but you can go that route if you want
Can't do workmans comp tho. thats only if an "injury" occurs on the job... not a sickness.

Really? I had a "report writing" talk with a supervisor the other day who asked me to make sure I put in it somewhere that we used standard BSI in case I or my partner got sick, workers comp or insurance or whatever would deny it if it wasn't stated that percautions were taken.
Wouldn't this be under the Ryan White Care Act as he was on the clock and had an "exposure" even though it wasn't Pt contact.

Can't do workmans comp tho. thats only if an "injury" occurs on the job... not a sickness. I know this cause I was exposed to pneumonia at the hospital and I couldn't claim it as workmans comp. He could go on disablility though. It's not as well paying but you can go that route if you want

You need to research Ryan White as you are in for a shock.

Workers comp does pay for illness or injury. It will even pay if it is emotional illness. Do more research on it so you can protect yourself as some employers will tell you lies like you just quoted.
Really? I had a "report writing" talk with a supervisor the other day who asked me to make sure I put in it somewhere that we used standard BSI in case I or my partner got sick, workers comp or insurance or whatever would deny it if it wasn't stated that percautions were taken.

maybe thats for PT contact only. In Pharmacy we have no pt contact so that may exclude us.
maybe thats for PT contact only. In Pharmacy we have no pt contact so that may exclude us.

Nope do some research before you get screwed over. me?

Sorry I do not do the research for people unless paid a consultants fee. You really need to research though in case something happens in regards to workers comp and Ryan White.