quit wasting your time and money and go to nursing
Ok, I am getting a little fed up with the "should I go to paramedic school in order to go to med school later?" question.
It has been asked and answered infinite times and ways.
The response is always the same. Being a paramedic does not help you unless a number of things which you cannot control really go your way.
First: The place your applying actually knows what a paramedic is and doesn't have a negative opinion about them. That means somebody on the admissions panel was a paramedic or knows of previous students who were that did really well.
Second: Unless you have been a paramedic for many years in a really busy capacity and have an outstanding employment history of 5 years to a decade or more, it will not make up for substandard grades or a poor MCAT.
Third: While there are some benefits to being an experienced medic before med school. (especially when you get to clinicals) being a paramedic in no way prepares you for the rigors of the academic work. (Which unless you are in Europe or a similar curriculum you must first get through before any clinicals)
Being a paramedic can actually make med school harder, because you think you know something but have been given a oversimplified version of it. You then have to take extra time to relearn it. Tine is a major issue in med school. Things that take extra time really make a difference.
The emergency mindset: medical school is not about emergency medicine. Nobody gives a crap if you know atropine is given for bradycardia. You will be expected to learn all of its uses. (this is just one example out of hundreds.) Nonemergent medicine is a vast majority of medical school.
Don't think EMS is a backdoor to medical school. A few of us have come in that door, usually because we didn't ever expect to go to med school when we started. The standard way of going to undergrad, getting good grades and a competative MCAT is the path of least resistance. If being a doctor is your goal, I highly suggest taking the easiest route.
That means if Doctor is your goal then good grades in undergrad is your goal, not becomming a paramedic. (Which is just a waste of time if you want to be a doctor)
The only benefit you might get out of paramedic school, (and that is a big "if") is some realization. Medical school is like paramedic class on steroids over a much longer time. If you can't handle paramedic class, you can't handle medical school. But truthfully, that is nothing you or an admissions panel can't figure out without you becomming a paramedic.
If you think you want to be a doctor, shadow one before you start college, because a semester or a couple of years with mediocre grades will hurt a lot. You really need to be "all in" from the begining. Again for emphasis, the people who take a nontraditional route are the rare exceptions, not the rule.