Shifts Please Help!


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I'm hoping someone can help me. I just started working for a government ambulance service and we are working out our schedules. There are 9 of us to cover 24/7. We work 80 hours in 2 weeks. We have one supervisor that works days. The general consensus is that 6 of us want days and 3 nights. Obviously that doesn't work. I was hoping someone had some ideas on how to work out the schedule. I was hoping to have a rotation so that the 3 people that like nights can stay there and the one person on days that has seniority can stay in her place as well. That leaves 5 to rotate. I proposed month long rotations but it was not that well recieved. Myself being low on the totum pole I have been getting stuck with nights. My supervisor is good about voting and working things out democratically. I would like some examples of schedule that you work out so that I can compile and present them to the group. Please help!!!
basically, the boss makes a schedule and the assigned employyes work it. some dont like nights. some dont like days(me!) but sometimes you get stuck with a shift you dont like. you either tough it out and wait till your senior enough to bid on a better shift or you quit and find another job. just the way thing work in this business

so anyway, welcome to the forum. where is this gov service you run with? what kind of equip are you on? whats you level and what not?

inquiring minds want to know......
You could always try a police type rotation, but those get really hard on you aafter a while.
Thanks for the feedback. I got some ideas from another site too. So inquiring minds. I am an AEMT-CC at present testing for paramedic next weekend for national and the 16th of june for NYS. The government agency is a military instalation but I don't think my boss would like me to say which one but I think if you think of NY you can guess pretty quick. ;) Nice to meet you all I am interested in all your suggestions. What is a police type rotation?
month of days, month of swing, month of graveyard...or variations on that theme
24 0n 48 off, two man crews rotating weeknd shifts use the thrre extra as floats to fill in and minimize the overtime, it works out great here, it means everybody gets a five day weekend every three weeks and you only work 6-9 days a month. If you have more than one bus utilize part time staff to cover them.
If they can do 24's I am partial to the Berkley Schedule:

24 on

24 Off

24 On

24 Off

25 On

96 off.

I love it! Works out to be 10 days a month and every tour you get 4 days off!
ECC everyone here calls that a Modified Kelly (which makes me ask, what is the unmodified Kelly)
Berkley is a modified Kelly...Kelly you get 3 in a row off with a 'Kelly day' you take at your own option later. Any variation that removes the Kelly day is 'modified'. ;)