Seven-year-old survives massive stroke


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2nd-grader survives massive stroke

LITTLETON - When paramedics examined the patient, all signs pointed to a stroke, except for the fact that the patient was a seven-year-old.

"At first, we kind of all went, no this can't be happening," said Jim McCoy, a West Metro Fire paramedic.

McCoy and his fellow paramedics had arrived at Ute Meadows Elementary School in Littleton on Thursday after a school nurse reported a child with a head injury.

"I told the nurse that I couldn't sit up straight, I couldn't move my left arm up or my left leg up and I couldn't really talk," said Kayleigh Conner. "It was like somebody mumbling."

West Metro paramedics called Swedish Medical Center in Englewood and asked for the stroke team to meet their young patient at the door.

McCoy said he recalls hospital staffers repeatedly asking, "How old?"

Pediatric neurologists at Swedish applauded the paramedics for their "medical acumen."
Wow! Lucky kid to be doing so well. Sounds like EMS did a good job picking up on what was going on and not dismissing it because of the patient's age.
Especially impressive that they picked up since this patient was not a text book case. So many seem to have everything match the book or it can't be it. In this case even the much higher educated medical professionals seemed shocked. Good job and thanks for finally some good clean positive EMS exposure without gory details of screwups.
How in the hell does a seven year old get a stroke?! It really seems preventive measures such as good diet and exercise are not being utilized to even the bare minimun anymore.
How in the hell does a seven year old get a stroke?! It really seems preventive measures such as good diet and exercise are not being utilized to even the bare minimun anymore.

There are so many more reasons than being fat that cause strokes. Be good research project so we all would understand better.
Im just guessing here but it is probably a congenital or genetic disorder that caused the CVA.
Hate to give a sad update...

2nd grader suffers setback after surviving stroke.

The seven-year-old girl who had a stroke on Thursday, and was recovering at Swedish hospital, has suffered a setback.

Swedish hospital says Kayleigh Conner had similar symptoms on Sunday as she had when she had a stroke on the playground Thursday.

Hospital officials say Kayleigh is being treated and doctors are cautiously optimistic about her recovery.

Poor thing. What a horrible thing for such a young kiddo to go through.

I'm curious as to what is behind the strokes.