I work for a bls medical transport in sd and I was wondering if +70% of bls calls as dialysis was typical for a bls agency. With the other 30% mostly filled in with discharges to sniffs, cct nurse stemi's, and an occassional legit call I aos code 2 that I -might- learn something on...
Also the agency I work for does "gurney" transports that I don't fill out a SD county ems report on. A call that im not expected to take vitals on reguardless of picc lines, wound vac's, pain pumps, contact precautions or O2 administration. (one of the few interventions that is in the emt-b scope locally) A call that effectivly removes my bls rig from ems for non ems purposes. Are "gurneys" a legitimate use of bls and where can I find more information on ems bls ambulance service expectations?
Additionally without having done much research on the subject, I was curious if many or any agencys have unions? Also I really don't want to discuss if a union serves an agencys intrest or its employees or if unions should or shouldn't exist in ems.
Also the agency I work for does "gurney" transports that I don't fill out a SD county ems report on. A call that im not expected to take vitals on reguardless of picc lines, wound vac's, pain pumps, contact precautions or O2 administration. (one of the few interventions that is in the emt-b scope locally) A call that effectivly removes my bls rig from ems for non ems purposes. Are "gurneys" a legitimate use of bls and where can I find more information on ems bls ambulance service expectations?
Additionally without having done much research on the subject, I was curious if many or any agencys have unions? Also I really don't want to discuss if a union serves an agencys intrest or its employees or if unions should or shouldn't exist in ems.