Safety paranoid!!!


Forum Crew Member
Anybody else get that paranoid feeling?That feeling of never being able to have fun because of the fear of somebody getting hurt at any moment?

I'm not too concerned about my safety and usually live life to the edge and push it a lil further but when my friends do it...I have a mini freak out.I wish I could control it.


Forum Deputy Chief
Anybody else get that paranoid feeling?That feeling of never being able to have fun because of the fear of somebody getting hurt at any moment?

I'm not too concerned about my safety and usually live life to the edge and push it a lil further but when my friends do it...I have a mini freak out.I wish I could control it.
You're obviously not a big fan of trauma.


Forum Crew Member
I love trauma.As bad as this sounds I kinda hope for accidents everyday.Bloodier the better.I just get paranoid when its family and friends.


Forum Crew Member
I figured out that I need to have fun because of the job I do. EMS is a serious profession and that can be very taxing on individuals. So whenever I'm not running call or on duty, I try to get out and have fun.


Dances with Patients
Do you have kids? It gets worse. When my oldest was a toddler that sound of a fast intake of air when something's running amok "uuuuh!" was enough to cause me physical pain.


Forum Crew Member
haha No kids here.Not for awhile.I'm too young. I can watch my own motocross videos and watch me crash going 45 and break bones and laugh but when it comes to watching my friends race I wish they would wearing bubble wrap or keep all tires on the ground.I just don't wanna do EMT work on them because I know them so well.

But how do you have fun with others and not have those thoughts in the back of your head? When I'm by myself none of those thoughts run through my head. My friends and family make me paranoid.


Community Leader Emeritus
When I'm by myself none of those thoughts run through my head. My friends and family make me paranoid.

You're not being paranoid. You're recognizing that some day, in some way, some thing is going to happen to one or maybe even all of them and you won't be able to do a thing about it; either because you're there and freak out, or because you're NOT there!

Freaking out is something you would choose to do for yourself. That truly IS a choice. The only thing you have any real control over is how you spend the time between now and then!

You can worry yourself silly over Sally, but you know what? Bret will get hit by a car. Why didn't you worry about him? Or ME for that matter, I do all sorts of crap that puts me in danger! In fact, so do you, so does everyone and YES, some even die but what's to worry about really because that's where we're all heading anyway!

In that respect, it's not paranoid because EVERYBODY'S time is coming, even yours.

While we fight it professionally, we must live with it personally.

Go figure!


Forum Deputy Chief
My mother jokes that I've been in healthcare too long. Even when it's my daughter, it doesn't bother me or constitute a "true emergency" unless:
-She's unconscious
-It's a penetrating wound to the head, neck or torso
-It's an amputation above the knee or elbow with active bleeding
-The fever is above 103 or there is neuro signs associated with it.

I just don't wanna do EMT work on them because I know them so well.

As someone whose best friend died quite literally in front of him (I was trying to tube him as he drew his last breath; this is a major reason why I tend to be such a bitter, misanthropic jerk and perfectionist) and have treated more of my other friends than I can long as they don't die and as long as you don't worsen their condition by doing something stupid, being the one treating them is actually usually a good thing. That way you know that everything was done that needed to be done and that it was done correctly. If someone else does it, you'll second guess them until you worry yourself into an early grave if you don't learn to cope with it.


Forum Chief

No, but from my experience and ninja sense, when I see something that might go wrong, I just quietly alter what I can when it comes to friends and family.

All bt a handful of my friends are in medicine or somekind of emergency service, so they are quite capable and know what they are doing.

My family, well... It is the easier route to just be behind the scenes.

As for everyone else, I wave and yell "see you later!" as I remind myself they are the ones paying off my school loans.


Forum Deputy Chief
Anybody else get that paranoid feeling?That feeling of never being able to have fun because of the fear of somebody getting hurt at any moment?

I'm not too concerned about my safety and usually live life to the edge and push it a lil further but when my friends do it...I have a mini freak out.I wish I could control it.

Anybody else get that anxious feeling? That anticipation that someone around you is just going to keel over and you'll get to practice your mad band-aid skills on them? Happens to me all the time, I constantly look around spotting potential accidents in waiting, hoping one of them will come to pass. Don't want to get rusty with my skills.


Community Leader Emeritus
Anybody else get that anxious feeling? That anticipation that someone around you is just going to keel over and you'll get to practice your mad band-aid skills on them? Happens to me all the time, I constantly look around spotting potential accidents in waiting, hoping one of them will come to pass. Don't want to get rusty with my skills.

The weird thing is, MOSTLY nothing like that ever happens. So the trauma is right there in your head; anticipating, therefore being somewhere else than where you are (which could actually put YOU in danger!).

One of my tour stops is at a cove lined with volcanic rocks that essentially are like a cheese grater. Tourists clamber up and on and around them while the Pacific washes over the rocks, completely oblivious to the danger which is oh so obvious to me. No one ever has met my expectations.


Forum Crew Member
Haha Thats what I was talking about Jesusfreak.Usafmedic....I do the same.If your leg is till attached...walk it off.

The event that actually brought this to mind happened a week ago.I finally got rid of that anxiety feeling of something bad is gunna happen to the people beside me. The buddies and I decided to go drifting on the trails in his new truck.Apparently going 55 was too much speed in those trails that only fit one car.We smucked a tree and I think rolled bc when I woke up the truck was on its side.Nothing like weighing only 117 lbs and pulling huge unconscious guys out of a twisted truck with only one arm(Broke and dislocated my other).O cell phone service either.

Now I'm back to having "paranoid" or "anticipation" feeling.Seems like everyone gets hurt in front of me...but in the end I'm glad they do so I can properly take care of them or do my best.


Forum Deputy Chief
As for everyone else, I wave and yell "see you later!" as I remind myself they are the ones paying off my school loans.



Forum Deputy Chief
Now I'm back to having "paranoid" or "anticipation" feeling.Seems like everyone gets hurt in front of me...but in the end I'm glad they do so I can properly take care of them or do my best.

Ah, you're one of those. My EMS instructor was one of those too. Means you're definitely in the right field.


Forum Lieutenant
Anybody else get that anxious feeling? That anticipation that someone around you is just going to keel over and you'll get to practice your mad band-aid skills on them? Happens to me all the time, I constantly look around spotting potential accidents in waiting, hoping one of them will come to pass. Don't want to get rusty with my skills.

I have the opposite problem. Myself and most of my friends compete in various shooting sports, ride motorcycles, race motorcycles, go hiking in very out-of-the-way places, fly airplanes and ultra lights, have the odd fist fight in a bar, etc. I guess I'm drawn to Type As. :p But I don't sweat it till something actually happens. You gotta live. I mean really live. Most of my friends are ex-mil, most are airborne, some scuba dive, I've jumped from a perfectly good airplane myself. When something happens I deal. And I have had to clean up a mess before. But I wouldn't change a thing. Even with my kids I encouraged judo, karate, firearms (safely), I take them riding and flying, etc. You gotta live, man. I'm almost 50 yo and my body is finally showing the wear and tear and I wouldn't change a thing. I have had a blast.

Life's short. Do it up and have a blast. And deal with the messes as they come. Worry won't make it not happen. :D
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Forum Chief
Nope, if i see something about to happen I abruptly do an about face and wander off in the other direction