I thought that there where some people that ran emergent calls that showed a need for a quick responce or transport. We are located 50 miles to the closest facility and helicopters arnt always around is was just wondering if anyone has a truck like this and was looking for a fix. But I guess most pepole just do nonemergent transports.
It will depend highly on the education and confidence level of the provider in the back. If the provider is a danger to the patient then you as the driver might want to drive faster than the speed of light. So, are your EMT(P)s grossly incompetent? Are you providing only BLS service? Are you ALS that can only function like BLS?
If you have limited protocols and are clueless about how to stabilize a patient then you might want to work on the education rather than the speed of the truck.
If you are traveling at a high rate of speed, there will be no working on that patient for whatever length of time you are moving. Only a fool would not have themselves seat belted securely at that rate of speed in a big truck. Thus, driving at a high rate of speed will be very detrimental to the patient.
And, if you crash, nobody benefits.
To answer to some about is that not fast enough well yes if your the boss, but to the guy in the field no since the interstate speed is 75mph.
If your boss wanted the truck to go faster, he/she probably could have ordered it without the governor. Fuel economy might also be on his/her mind since if they can some will continuously exceed speed recommendations regardless of the call. Do you plan on tampering with this truck without informing the administrators of your company?
You screw with that truck against the advice of the warranty or manufacturers recommendations, you may be screwing with the liability and livelihood of your company as well as its employees.
Slow down, get a proper education for providing good patient care and get everyone safely to the hospital.