Rialto Fire: 71% Neurologic Intact Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate?

"This article describes the RFD's journey toward increased SCA survival-a journey that, in 2016, resulted in a 71% (Utstein) survival rate from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in Rialto. "
Just to be clear, I was referring to the Chart that you posted above. I am not sure where the quote is from, I presume a JEMS article, but I will say that in light of that statement I can most definitely see your angst with that statement. It is most definitely not phrased very well.
Just to be clear, I was referring to the Chart that you posted above. I am not sure where the quote is from, I presume a JEMS article, but I will say that in light of that statement I can most definitely see your angst with that statement. It is most definitely not phrased very well.

JEMS article indeed. And also their facebook page had similar vague language. The table actually cleared things up a bit when I found it.
@medicsb Oh JEMS, paragon of excellence in reporting...:p

71% Utstein survival is certainly good - better on first glance than most CARES-reporting agencies (see here for figures). It looks to me like Utstein criteria only count survival as alive at 1 year with CPC 1 or 2...?