Rhode Island EMT-C...challenge NREMT-I??

Why bother going to an I/99 level in those states? NR is phasing out the Intermediate levels in a few years to be replaced with AEMT which is close to I/85 than I/99. (and you can challenge the NR to take the EMT-I exam that corresponds with your state level. Which is why I'm an I/85 and not an I/99 since I finished the majority of medic school. NM only recognizes I/85.)

I-85 is no good I-99 is better train than the 85s and you are right about the AEMT however I-99 is easier to bridge to P than it would be to bridge from 85 to P .......besides your in just as bad of shape as the RI guy....you are limited to a few states.......I-85 program was good in its time from 85-99 .....I was a I-85 once as well....but I can do more as a 99 than 85 ALOT MORE! And the I /99 will move up to Paramedic status not move down...... the Paramedics will become what is called a Professional Paramedic or license Paramedic.....
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I-85 is no good I-99 is better train than the 85s and you are right about the AEMT that is for you I-85s however I-99 is easier to bridge to P than it would be to bridge from 85 to P .......besides your in just as bad of shape as the RI guy....you are limited to a few states.......I-85 program was good in its time from 85-99 .....I was a I-85 once as well....but I can do more as a 99 than 85 ALOT MORE! And the I /99 will move up to Paramedic status not move down...... the Paramedics will become what is called a Professional Paramedic or license Paramedic.....

And for the record here is the link from NR that supports what I am saying
I'm absolutely sure you can challenge the Intermediate in MA with the RI cardiac. I was in the process recently. The cardiac practices at a higher level than the I in Massachusett.
Yeah I knew that..I just wanted to find out if I could challenge something with the registry. I might move out of the New England someday and want to take some sort of EMS cert above a basic with me. The registry did say I could challenge the I85 exam even though as cardiacs the level of practice is higher than the I99 and much closer to the Medic level..its just the education for I99 and medic is longer than a Cardiac class.
I'm absolutely sure you can challenge the Intermediate in MA with the RI cardiac. I was in the process recently. The cardiac practices at a higher level than the I in Massachusett.

whether or not this is true...it is very difficult to find a paying position as an intermediate in MA...most companies and towns work just as a basic or just as a medic. And even if u have your EMT-I you will most likely only be allowed to work as a basic.
I feel your pain, I'm a hopefully soon to be New York EMT-CC(critical care), which apparently isn't recognized by even all of New York much less the whole country:wacko:. So if I want to move elsewhere I'm looking at quite a headache too.
Yeah I knew NY had that level tool (I am originally from Upstate near Binghamton). You are definitely in the same boat as I am. We might as well go onto medic school and just be done with it. ha.
Medic school can wait a bit, next move is RN for me. I've been an LPN way to long and definitely feel now is the time to get my head out of my behind .Not only will I make more money but I recently transferred to a medical unit in the reserves and RN will get me Lt. , be nice to have someone call me Sir for a change. Plus a medic school or two on the island has advance standing for RN's so it's a win all around.
For clarification

...the I /99 will move up to Paramedic status not move down......

ONLY after completing an approved transition course, and successfully passing the NR Paramedic examination

There will be no handouts or automatic "grandfathering".

the Paramedics will become what is called a Professional Paramedic or license Paramedic.....

They are dropping the EMT from Paramedic.. no more EMT-P.

Licensing will up to the states, and professional... well... that will be determined by public perception.
Ok..so I am going to be an EMT-C in RI...I can challenge the NREMT I85 exam..ok...does ANYONE know if the bridging course from I85 to AEMT will be something we can take online? Since we have EMT-C in RI...I seriously doubt they will have the bridging course available in this state. Probably a question to ask in the future..but didnt know if anyonehad an idea.
the cardiac should not and will not transition to paramedic....It is hard enough teaching cardiacs that go all the way through medic school to be adequate paramedics...they should have to take the bridge to AEMT and pass all examination...the problem in RI is that the FD propbably are going to put up a big fight...and this state is run by unions....you should go to paramedic school...trust me on this..:)
Why do you say its hard enough to teach cardiacs that go through paramedic school to be good paramedics?? I would think they would be good paramedics because they are already practicing at a high level and its only the addition of a few drugs and procedures. (Yes I know its A LOT more education and clinical time and that is a major difference..I am not down playing that at all...I respect it a great deal...and that is the main reason why medic school sounds good to me!)
not because of the students but old habits die hard especially incorrect dangerous habits poorly tought in cardiac school...just due to the fact there isnt enough time in the class to learn well....all good cardiacs end up self-teaching post licensure...just the way it is
I am not sure if I asked you this already, but can you suggest a good medic school for someone who is really busy 6 months out of the year? I know a typcial medic program lasts a year..do you know of any that would let me do it in say 2 years? The clinical time is what is going to mess me up..with my full time job it will be hard to work 20-30 hour a week to get clinicals and still have time for my real job and family. Online?
don't do the online type, and mine took me 2 years. It was 13 months didactic and the rest clinical and testing. In my opinion anything faster is too fast, I'm not a stupid guy and to absorb all that material and actually understand it takes time. I took the EBME course and liked it a lot, very in-depth but presented in a way to create a well rounded medic. medic school will take everything for you to do, It is a commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly. At the beginning of my class the lead instructor/IC said that for the next 2 years you will have no social life, your family will barely see you, and you will think and breathe paramedicine. That is why when you finally do finish and have the honor to call yourself a paramedic is is no small event. just my take on this, do what is best for you and your situation
With my job as an athletic trainer..I already have no social life and my family barely sees me..espcially when I am in season and traveling..so I am pretty sure the wife wouldnt appreciate seeing even less of me....although I love the way your IC explained the course to you. You should devote that much time to it...you literally have other's lives in your hands.

What is EBME?
east bay medical educators..some courses arn't as vigorous but I would have to say I am a better medic than other new medics due to the difficulty and stress but that is my own opinion.
I looked at that program and it looks great....if I didnt have to work on Saturdays during basketball season. How long did it take you to do the classroom stuff?? What do you think about the Tactical program?? That looks pretty interesting too.