Reno/Tahoe EMS?


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Considering a move to the Reno area, what can you guys tell me about the EMT/Paramedic job market there? I don't mind a commute. I'm currently an EMT, but I'm enrolled in Paramedic training, so EMT for now and Paramedic in the near future.
REMSA (Regional EMS Authority) run EMS in Reno.

Problem is they only employ EMT-I and Paramedic.

I think EMS in Sparks and most elsewhere in Washoe County is run by the Fire Department and privates.

Check out

Oh and just remember, look both ways before crossing Virginia St. coz you know, those pesky fire trucks have a habit of sneaking up on you, man dont know how I missed that one :P
REMSA (Regional EMS Authority) run EMS in Reno.

Problem is they only employ EMT-I and Paramedic.

I think EMS in Sparks and most elsewhere in Washoe County is run by the Fire Department and privates.

Check out

Oh and just remember, look both ways before crossing Virginia St. coz you know, those pesky fire trucks have a habit of sneaking up on you, man dont know how I missed that one :P

Thanks, I'm familiar with REMSA. Thats odd with the EMT-I, where I'm at now, no one goes to EMT-I, they just go straight to EMT-P.

Do you know which privates are out there? I know AMR is only in Vegas and I couldn't find much in a search for private companies in the Reno/Sparks/Carson area.
Uh, Churchill does the EMS transport and inpatient for Fallon NAS?

Sorry, closest I was familiar with.

Hey I am also interested in moving from the Bay Area to the Reno area. I will be completing my EMT B class in a few weeks. I have been looking at the EMS scene up there and I've only been able to come up with REMSA which only hires paramedics. There arent really any private companies in Reno. I think most basics start off doing something in one of the hospitals. Let me know if you find out anything more
If you're good at skiing or snowboarding (as in, good enough to get down a double-black dragging a stretcher singlehandedly) and don't mind freezing, look into ski patrol. Might also be worth checking out companies that offer hiking tours and the like, though I don't actually know of any in Tahoe that employ basics. They'd probably prefer a wilderness cert, too.

I've also known a few people who worked for casinos as basics. Apparently you'll get all kinds of crazy calls there.
I heard if you work for the casinos, you are actually hired as security mainly

this is true down here at the local indian casino.... and apparently ya gotta have a big ego to work it... they're big on using numbers over the radio to describe the injury... i.e. "we gotta 11754 with a 1027 over here"

personally.... the smoke would bug me on the job
The Indian Casinos, from what I've seen, run their own internal "EMS" system and I haven't heard of any up here that run ALS. Keeps the locals out of their tent, I'd imagine. It's also much cheaper to do BLS non-transport...

As for EMS in the Reno/Sparks area... outside of REMSA, I have no idea who (companies/agencies) does what over there, primarily because I've never bothered to look into that aspect of things. I'm not going to work over there, so....
I've never heard of ALS in casinos either, but aren't both people interested basics?

Yeah, I've heard that bit about working security and using lots of 10-codes too. But some people like that kind of environment. I wouldn't seek it out, nor would it really bother me.

personally.... the smoke would bug me on the job

Me too, but there are some nonsmoking casinos out there. In Tahoe, there's one in Stateline.
so it looks like REMSA. Anyone know of any casinos that are hiring. or anything?