Recently hired PT, have to miss 1 of 6 days of orientation, how will this go over?


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Hey guys,

Trying to get an idea about how this will go over for me. I was recently hired part-time (paramedic) for a large city service (private service), and they have a 6 day orientation 8a-5p. During my interview, I made sure they knew I was in school (junior Biochemistry major), and that was the reason I wanted to work only part time or PRN, because I need to be able to submit specific days I'm available.

The orientation is 6 days long 8-5. I have 2 exams on the first day of orientation, and my school is 2 hours away (1 way) from the station. I am not able to reschedule the exams, I've already made that attempt. With only 3 exams/semester, I can't miss a exam or else I will fail the course (70% required).

Anyone ever been in this situation before? Think missing the first day of orientation will be a deal breaker? I can make the other 5 100% without any issues.

All you can do is call and ask. Depends on the company, how much they liked you, how flooded the job market, etc. In other words we can't tell you nothing but to call the company.
roger the above.