But remember, we make darn near minimum wage. It is a job that isnt for everybody. If they want people more educated, then they need to pay us a respectable wage.
Not ganna touch that. There are plenty of threads already on the which comes first? Pay or education?
I dont know what type of care you guys give out in the land down under but we treat and transport here in the states. You kind of make it sound like you are performing heart surgery out in the field. Ya there are a lot of medics our there that dont know their bung from a hole in the ground, and I know I have a lot to learn but step off of your pedestal for a second and realize your not operating a hospital on wheels. There is only so many tools in the back of your rig to treat and fix...only so many drugs you can give and only so many hands to help, so put the person in the back of the rig, maintain their abc's, keep their heart ticking around 60-120 preferably, keep their blood sugar above death and get them to the hospital.
Firstly, I don't know what you think is so simple about treating and transporting. Why is it that so many paramedics insist on judging the complexity of their role by the number of drugs they carry and the thickness of their protocol books. Secondly, not everyone gets transported. Not everyone fits the cook book.
How do I make it seem like we're doing heart surgery? I think its depressing that the mere mention of taking pride in higher education and putting a value on knowledge is seen as taking it all too seriously. Going overboard. Honestly, you mention and bloody associates degree on this board and 7 different idiots come out of the wood works to piss and moan about
too much education. Like, woah dude, lets not go nuts now, I'm a professional, I memorised my protocols normal BSL range in under two days, what else could I possibly need to know?
Its not even just about "need to know". Probably 70 percent of my degree won't be directly relevant when I start. How much of a nursing degree is directly relevant to my ex-girlfriend in the first days of her nursing grad year on a cardio-thoracic ward? Couldn't she just go to a tech school for 6 months and learn everything she needed to know about that particular ward and memorise some dot points on "chests and junk"? How much of my best mate's computer science degree is relevant in his grad position drafting induction literature? Probably less than me.
Nobody whinges about having to have a degree in his field though. What is it with American EMS's obsession with the bare essentials?
If in 10 years, maybe I move into teaching, other parts of my degree may be relevant, the parts on health systems and adult education. I'm thinking about an MPH, expanding into epidemiological research on acute care. Pretty hard to do a masters with a certified 6 months in the back of a fire department though. Maybe I want to move into emergency management. Do a post grad cert, maybe a masters if I'm desperate

, some research, maybe publish a few papers, be seen at the right conferences, smooze the right managers, move up the ranks of the Ambulance service's emerg management department. My degree doesn't specifically prepare me for any of that, but, like any degree, it provides a good baseline level of education that can be built on in the right ways.
I believe this obsession with the bare essentials and only those directly relevant to one's current position is a quality of a technician not a professional. The continued adherence to that model really makes EMS's utility in a changing future questionable.
In subtle ways, education can raise the standards of the entire field.
I know what you are thinking... Yes, we are Emergency Medical Technicians. Basic, Intermediate, and Paramedics. But what is it that we really do as a profession? Lets not take ourselves too seriously. We are a bunch of wise *** jokers who provide high quality care that usually goes unappreciated and unrespected. But hey, if we wanted all the glory we would have gone to medical school for 15 years. We are what we are. We provide high quality pre-hospital care with out receiving "thank you's". We dont ask for the glory, we just do what needs to be done. We are Ambulance Drivers.[
This whole paragraph is a joke. Lets call ourselves professionals and but constantly resist any improvements in education or changes in practice and only memorise a few directly relevant edicts. High quality care? In many cases I doubt it. But it seems like many providers are too stupid to conceive of the idea that the blind adherence to protocol may not equal high quality care. That if you get your patient to the ED doors breathing, that's not necessarily a win.
Medical school? Yeah because every EMT out there was sitting in front of an acceptance letter from Johns Hopkins but thought, "Nah I just don't feel like all that glory, I'll get my EMT cert instead".
Come on mate, I'm willing to take the piss out of myself as much as the next bloke but that facebook group paragraph is ridiculous and this thread is a serious comparison of EMS systems.