Questions regarding NREMT patch/card


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
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I just got my cert in the mail along with my card and patch. What am I supposed to do with these? Do I need to keep the card with me? What about the patch? What do I do with that?

Yes, I did search, but the searches yeilded a combined 100+ pages of topics to wade through. I went through the first couple pages of each post and didn't find an answer.
Depends. If your employer wants you to always have the card on you, and the patch on your uniform, you do that. If not, than you don't.
Massachusetts is not a national registry state, but we do have a law that says you are required to have your emt and cpr cards with you while acting as an EMT. You might want to find out if your state has a similar requirement.
but we do have a law that says you are required to have your emt and cpr cards with you while acting as an EMT. You might want to find out if your state has a similar requirement.

Just be sure to get certified copies (read as: photocopies stamped by a notary) and keep them in a safe place if you're going to be carrying the originals with you.
That and five bucks will get you a cup of cofee anywhere....

I just got my cert in the mail along with my card and patch. What am I supposed to do with these? Do I need to keep the card with me? What about the patch? What do I do with that?

Yes, I did search, but the searches yeilded a combined 100+ pages of topics to wade through. I went through the first couple pages of each post and didn't find an answer.

Keep'em for momentos. They ain't good for anything else! Seriously though, once you get your state certification/license, you may have to carry that. The NREMT card isn't your license or cert.
Keep them in a safe place, like where you keep your SSN card, birth certificate ect. They wont matter in some states or to some employers, but they are a %100 must in other cases. My new employer requires NREMT, when I filed reciprocity into another state they only accepted NREMT and would not accept any other state certification other than there own. Some companies who advertise in JEMS and EMS mag offer extra bonus or pay for NREMT.
Most federal government and military contracts also require it from my experience.
PS: the patch is more of a novelty unless your agency wears them.
Alright, thanks everyone, I guess into the fire box they go.
Keep'em for momentos. They ain't good for anything else! Seriously though, once you get your state certification/license, you may have to carry that. The NREMT card isn't your license or cert.

Not yet... give it time.

A service I'm currently doing clinical time at requires that all employed paramedics be NREMT-P. If they let it lapse, they have six months to get it back or they're fired. They also lose their privilege of precepting student paramedics if they let it lapse.
Not yet... give it time.

A service I'm currently doing clinical time at requires that all employed paramedics be NREMT-P. If they let it lapse, they have six months to get it back or they're fired. They also lose their privilege of precepting student paramedics if they let it lapse.

Right. I'm planning on maintaining every cert/license I get, I figure it will be much easier and less expensive than getting recertified if I should need it again down the road.

I know here in California my NREMT card is not a license/cert to practice, I have to get a card from the county I practice in.
I know here in California my NREMT card is not a license/cert to practice, I have to get a card from the county I practice in.

Technically speaking, an EMT cert from one county is good state wide. I say, "technically" because many counties require a local accreditation course and an additional local card besides the EMT card to practice in that county.
Ah, I did not know that, I stand corrected. Thanks JPINFV.
Well, just in the last couple of months, my experience has been this.

I had my San Diego and OC EMT-Basic certs then those lapsed along with my NREMT. So I contacted NREMT and took a 24 hour refresher course. Then took the NR test again. After completing all requirements and obtaining my NREMT-B card again, I then took my current NREMT/CPR/Livescan and now have a current county cert in my county that is good for the 3 counties also surrounding me.

With all that being said, the only way I could receritfy in my county was obtain the NREMT or re-take the whole class over again.

It was the lesser of two evils to go towards NREMT

Just putting my one and half cents out there again.