Question regarding EMT-B class clinical rotations


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Hey guys, another question for you.

So i registered for an EMT B class next semester. Problem is, im still taking other classes for my undergrad degree. When I registered for the EMT class, it just says its 2 days a week from 9 to 12:30. I know it is supposed to include ER clinicals and ambulance clinicals but it doesnt specify what times those are. Im worried they will want me to go do my clinicals at a time when I have to attend my other classes.

Do they usually have a strict time frame where you have to do them or do you think they will let me do them on the weekends instead?

I would appreciate if people who have taken an EMT B class already would fill me in
Fortunately for you emergency medicine is a 24x7 job, and I don't think you'll have too much of a problem finding clinical hours that fit your schedule. Having said that, it really all depends on your program's policies and scheduling. This is a question best directed at your program, not an internet community.

Good luck!
Most schools talk with local hospitals and EMS providers and get a varying amount of open time slots you can take. You want do a rotation from 7a-7p if you want, or do 7p-7a, or a 24hr, or noon-midnight... all up to what your school has available.

Just talk to your teacher and I'm sure something can be worked out.
My EMT class only required a minimum of 10 clinical hours. The shifts were only available in 5 hour increments and you had to allow for one shift change between each rotation. You could of coarse do more, but 10 was the requirement. We also had to do our clinicals at two different hospitals. One at the level 1 trauma center and the other and a hospital of our choice. I've seen some programs that require upwards to 30hrs, with varying requirements.

We were allowed to sign up for clinicals anytime during the semester. So, you can easily fit in a couple clinicals within a 6 month time frame. My class required the 10 hours to be completed by the last week of the semester.

BTW, our clinicals were scheduled through FISDAP, so we had to select EMT rotations on the days that were open through the FISDAP website. Almost every day of the week had an opening and two students could sign up for the same time slot. Plenty of availability.
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Only 10 hours? Dang, we got more than that during a single clinical.

...and I had a couple of those where I did little more than practice with the stretcher.

We're trying FISDAP for the first time in my class. I like how signing up is easier, but having to document everything so many times might get tiresome with as many as we're going to have.
Alright this is good to hear. As long as weekends are generally available il be fine. Between finding time for the gym and going to class, my weekdays are gonna be packed probably.
Only 10 hours? Dang, we got more than that during a single clinical.

...and I had a couple of those where I did little more than practice with the stretcher.

We're trying FISDAP for the first time in my class. I like how signing up is easier, but having to document everything so many times might get tiresome with as many as we're going to have.

Yeah, the EMT class only required 10hrs in order to get a grade for the class. You can do as many clinicals as you you want though, It's really up to the Individual. I thought FISDAP was really convenient. But then again, we only had to schedule two shifts, as opposed to the many hours required for Medic. Lol.
yea i only had to do 10 hours also. we had the choice of anywhere between 6am and midnight.
I am sorry. The only times you can do clinicals is during your other classes. I don't know waht times or days thise are but that is when you musht do clincals.
Like has been said already, the clinicals are usually done whenever you want to do them, you're not really told when you have to do them.

FISDAP seemed much more convenient in my basic class, for my medic class it's pretty crowded with 3 shifts available at 4 hospitals as well as ICU, OR, Hospice, etc. It really get's pretty clustered, but it's still not too bad of a scheduler.
No kidding.

At this point, we have a single OR to practice intubations.

It's only one shift. single shift a week :mellow:
No kidding.

At this point, we have a single OR to practice intubations.

It's only one shift. single shift a week :mellow:

Count yourself lucky you have that one. Medic students in ABQ (and actually most of NM) don't get any OR clinicals.