Question about event safety


Forum Deputy Chief
Yes, I rode for 17 years. When I was injured I was medicated, but I did not ride medicated or using other drugs. You have to be in top mental shape to compete. Riders today are not like the bums of 25 years ago, that just wanted to party. Most today are top athletes and work hard to stay that way. If you don't ride, you don't win money.!

As Mycroft stated in his post.. 'the older riders'.

I've seen more than a few, who ride while medicated. Of course, we don't get the top slot professional competitors out in our neck of the woods but the rag-tag-ends scrapping to get a check for a ride type. Hmmm, which might explain the high level of injury..... hmmmm....

Like all athletic events, the quality of the athlete is going to vary according to the quality of the event.
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Forum Lieutenant
I think that it would be more efficient to have first aiders on-scene at company events/fairs than to pay and take a truck or so out of service for all the 'what-ifs'. In the area I work in, a lot of events get first aid/first responder volunteers to cover, so they can take care of the boo-boos and drunks, and can call 911 if something is beyond their capabilities.

When EMS services around here cover public events, it seems more of a PR effort than for patient care.


Still crazy but elsewhere
I consider myself updated! Reaper, I never herd of a bullriding EMT! (pun intended)

My experience was from twenty or so years ago, and certainly not the "big time". And, yes, they usually had a darlin' or two on their (good) arm when they came to the ER.
I will view your posts with a different set of awe now. Thanks!