Pretty much this- what do you want from the health-care system, and why do you even go to the ER if 'conventional' treatments like benzos simply make it worse? What do you expect the ER to do for you? What do you expect me to do for you?
I'll show up. I'll listen to you if you're conscious and cooperative. I won't really care if you're associating me with some unknown 'trauma', because I won't be causing any, nor will I be assessing your genitals in any way other than a quick "incontinent y/n?" fashion. I have no problems letting you try and sign an AMA in the midst of your non-seizure contortions on the ground if you're willing, nor do I have a problem with transporting you to ER-triage or a bed with no interventions other than the LifeStare in place if you want me to do that (after all, you have a non-life-threatening, documented, visible condition for which conventional therapy doesn't help). I will ask you to stop contorting with my Verbal Versed and ask you to exercise the self-discipline you should have to avoid making dangerous thrashing movements. I will even give you some valium or versed to help you calm down if you ask me for it, if that's what you want. I give it for anxiety quite often, and it usually helps. I don't even need to use a needle if you don't want an IV or IM injection.
If you're uncooperative and CAOx4, I don't have to take you if you don't want to go. That's not a problem.
If you're wanting to go and you are uncooperative and/or dangerous to yourself and others...that's where we have problems. I'll take you, but it's going to be on my terms. You're going to end up non-harmfully restrained if you decline chemical sedation with a rational reason. If you don't convey a rational reason or you're simply unsafe, then you will be sedated for your (and my!) protection.
Yes, this is tough on you. It's also tough on us. I don't like being forced to cater to the whims of a tiny segment of my patient population who uses their medical history as an excuse to be aggressive towards me and my partner, nor do I particularly like people who try and clog up ERs needlessly for known non-life-threatening conditions that they know the ER can't manage. You'll never know it though- I'll treat you with the same courtesy, respect, and action that everyone else gets.
I ran a conversion-disorder patient last month. 16 y/o F, semi-controlled movements on the floor of a drama classroom (yes, I know), GCS 15 CAOx4, demonstrated gross controllable neuro/motor function. I tried 5mg of Versed based on her "sometimes it works", and it didn't "it's like hot lava in my nose!" She'd only had it happen a few times before and she was under standing orders from her neurologist to be evaluated during and after each event per mother, had a few psych meds proscribed. Ended up with her gently restrained by her own request before we even loaded her up to keep her from putting her hands through my cabinets, even took her BFF as a third-rider to keep her calm and entertained (he was 18, so legit). I listened to her, did what she wanted, and took care of her within the EMS system to the best of our capability, and she was fine.