Problems with Mobile


Forum Chief
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I have been having trouble posting while accessing the forum from my phone, on both mobile versions and the full version, when I attempt to post. On the full version it asks for a title or subject line, even after I enter one. On the imobile version it says unable to complete yadayada security token missing yadayada...

Any way to fix this? Help!
Was just about to post almost the same thing.

Seems our mobile versions could use a little work.
Was just about to post almost the same thing.

Seems our mobile versions could use a little work.

Yep. I don't even use the mobile anymore. I'll wait till I can drag my netbook out or use my laptop at home
Is it the mobile skin that's the problem, or using the site's general skin via a mobile device?
Trying to track down the error.
Is it the mobile skin that's the problem, or using the site's general skin via a mobile device?


It is both mobile skins. The general one works fine, just a little awkward to use on a phone. I was more refering to the imoble skin being not so user friendly though.
any update?
I just tried posting a reply to this thread from my iPhone. I typed some text in the quick reply box and hit submit, and received the following message:
vBulletin Message

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
So consider yourself informed, Matt.

Now, some other comments:

It would be nice if there was a browser or platform detection mechanism in place that would automatically switch to the appropriate mobile skin if the message board detects the user is on a mobile device. Other websites and message boards have this, so it's definitely possible. As it was, I first had to come back here to my computer to see where the setting was to change it, then do it on the iPhone.

Next, with the iMobile skin, on the home page there was no link (at least, that I saw) to show me a list of all new posts since my last visit. That's a very useful feature, it'd be great if it can be worked in somehow.

Finally, there were some image problems. I've attached a screenshot from my iPhone. Notice that in the top left corner, there is a missing image icon underneath the Home button. This missing image icon appears in that same spot on most of the pages I went to; I guess it's like the folder icon on the regular skin, if I touch it it takes me back to the forum home page. Also, notice that the Home button has a green background under the arrow part on the left edge, this should be probably be clear. The Search button on the right side also should have its background made clear; note how the colored background is visible around the rounded corners.

One final comment...The color scheme on the iMobile version is really ugly. Sorry to be so blunt. Not only does it totally fail to match the regular skin, it's just plain ugly in general.

Aside from those specific issues, and also, of course, my inability to post, the layout looks good in general. :)
Hey MMiz something to look into is tappatalk that can be enabled on IPB PHPbb and VB 4.0 works great on another forum I visit
Chimp has been bugging me for ages to install TappaTalk. Will install within the next day.
Ok, but is there any update on fixing the website itself?? I am not using the mobile version, but the full actual webpage version while trying to post on my phone, when it gives me an error while trying to post. I am really not looking to spend money to be able to post from my phone.
Ok, but is there any update on fixing the website itself?? I am not using the mobile version, but the full actual webpage version while trying to post on my phone, when it gives me an error while trying to post. I am really not looking to spend money to be able to post from my phone.
At this point there is nothing that I can easily fix. I'm stuck with using a piece of software that has stagnated for the past few years and switching isn't easy. My plan was to stick it out until they put out their next version, but I don't know when that will be.
At this point there is nothing that I can easily fix. I'm stuck with using a piece of software that has stagnated for the past few years and switching isn't easy. My plan was to stick it out until they put out their next version, but I don't know when that will be.

Ahh, that's really sad. EMTLife was something I liked to do in my down time, but it's beyond frustrating to read and not be able to post.
Ahh, that's really sad. EMTLife was something I liked to do in my down time, but it's beyond frustrating to read and not be able to post.

My dear do you need cheese to go with that whine?
I said please!