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I cannot figure out what this means. Its prob a stupid question but i gotta ask.:wacko:
I feel like an idiot
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I always just thought it was Per RN, but the latin makes more sense, as usual. You will sometimes see drug orders like "3mg ambien PRN for insomnia, up to 5mg/24 period"
I always just thought it was Per RN, but the latin makes more sense, as usual. You will sometimes see drug orders like "3mg ambien PRN for insomnia, up to 5mg/24 period"

per RN is an easy way to remember what it means...
Hmmm Funny...

The technical Latin definition of this is really: "for the thing born". Its amazing how things develop into other definitions.
Since this is kinda of being buried here, this is the real meaning of PRN.

Yes this is the correct meaning (not sure if you were posting as a statement or a question).

Here are a few others that you might run into. I don't know the Latin definition, but I can bet one of you guys might know

NPO~Nothing by mouth
PO~ By mouth
The technical Latin definition of this is really: "for the thing born". Its amazing how things develop into other definitions.

well when health students need to memorize them its easy to come up with new things, since most aren't latin scholars.

Here is a small list of abbreviations
times: Qhs, Qam, Q6h, Q12h, Q4h, Q3h, Q2h, ac, pc, qd, qid, bid, tid, qod, om, on, STAT
routes: PO, (NPO), SC, IV, IM, IH, IN, PR, SL, NGT, GTT, HHN, AD, AS, AU, OD, OS, OU

not all of them are used anymore, but people had to learn them.

I am sure there are tons more too.

Additionally coming up with the nifty alternative meanings helps non-medical people understand what they mean.
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ADL~ Activites of daily living
ab lib~ As Desired
ROS~ Review or systems
HEENT~Head, Ears, Eyes, nose, & Throat
PSH~Past Surgical history
c/o~complaint of
CC~Chief Complaint
PMH~ Past medical History
NAD~ No appreciable Disease
WNL~ Within Normal limits
HPI~ Histoy of Present Illness
L&W~ Living & Well
GERD~ Gastroesphageal Reflux Disease
HTN~ Hypertension
CSF~ Cerebral Spinal Fluid
CHF~ Congestive Heart Failure
CVA~ Cerebrovascular Accident
GCS~ Glasgow Coma Scale
BKA~ Below Knee amputation
TKR~ Total Knee replacement

Just took my quiz on abbreviations. Lets just say I rocked that %&$*#
Hey, I once went to a place where a caretaker of my patient SWORE that she'd given a lorazepam and a PRN just 10 minutes prior to our arrival. :rolleyes: