PRN withdrew their offer of employment to me after I flunked their back xray.


Forum Probie
I had been hired recently by PRN Ambulance, an IFT company in Glendale, CA. A month later, still waiting to hear when orientation/training would begin, I received notice they could no longer hire me because of degenerative back problems that showed up in my back xray. ("diffused discogenic disease in the lumbar area with associated hypertropic spurring noted, plus mention of dextro-scoliosis")....I'm a 47-year old mom/wife, graduated from EMT class in May 2010. Now, I suppose I'm washed up as an EMT before even getting out into the field?! No chance of getting hired with AMR, or Schaefer or anywhere else, with a lifting test? I'd been doing core strength training, everything I could. Does anyone have anything to tell me or to suggest? I feel sick.


Forum Deputy Chief
I've worked for several EMS agencies that wouldn't have picked up your back problem during the hiring process. That's a good news/bad news situation: you'd get the job, but you might end up disabled. Lots of us have been through this, to various extents.

I can certainly understand your frustration. I'm just not sure how much disability EMS is worth.


Forum Crew Member
Dear any company that wants to give me 250mR of radiation as part of preemployment screening:



Forum Deputy Chief
I'm just not sure how much disability EMS is worth.

None. It's a job. I wish people would realize that about health care professions in general and EMS especially.

Dear any company that wants to give me 250mR of radiation as part of preemployment screening:


It doesn't sound like a "screening". Chances are they saw something on physical exam or her history and went with it especially if there is scoliosis involved.


Forum Deputy Chief
None. It's a job. I wish people would realize that about health care professions in general and EMS especially.

I wish it were that simple.

In the case of the OP, yes, there's an opportunity to make a decision before getting into the field. It's different for those who are injured mid-career, with limited alternatives. I know lots of EMS workers who tolerate some amount of disability to keep working, strictly to earn a living.

Those who are contemplating EMS careers can enhance their options by getting a degree as early as possible.

Sam Adams

Forum Lieutenant
An interesting dilemma...

To the OP, I'm sorry you weren't hired. I'm sure it was a kick in the stomach. But as a 33 year old with work related: bulging and herniated disks, degenerative disk disease and occasional sciatica, I would not make this career choice again if I knew I'd get what I've got, let alone make a preexisting condition worse if not debilitating.

Pre-employment back radiography is an interesting way to go though. If you're "ok" to get hired then the department/ company has to own up to the injury when it happens making it their financial responsibility.


Forum Probie
PRN offer

I went to my doctor who examined me and found my back sound. I've never had any back pain/problems/symptoms, so I was really stunned by PRN's findings. I gave him a copy of the medical report and am having a copy of the x ray faxed to him. He feels the company's decision based on that one x ray was invalid. He might send me to an orthopedic specialist just so I can have peace of mind as to what state my back is in! The condition described by the company is simply natural results of aging. My back is no longer 20....I've been core strength training, again no problems. In the meantime I'll continue applying elsewhere; I want to finish up with my dr. before I return PRN's uniforms. I just couldn't believe they waited 30 days before I finally called them only to have a poor HR lady tell me the offer was withdrawn...I'm frankly tired and confused and all this has not done a hell of a lot for my confidence, but I'm not going to give up.