Prices + Charges of Your Company to Patients

My company makes something like $.15-.25 for every dollar billed due to write offs of uninsured patients and insurance companies not paying the full bill.

Ignore the price tag of $1000 for an ambulance ride. Imagine it like this. You go out to dinner. When the check comes it says you owe $100. You decide that second entree wasn't medically nessicary and don't want to pay for it. Instead you leave $15 on the table, well fed, and leave. One meal, $15. Not $100.
I think its 284 for BLS and 300 for ALS. 7.50 for additional miles.
Wow! Those prices are crazy! Over $1000 for most likely less than two hours of actual contact? And some EMT's are living below the poverty line? Shame.

The bill is similar up here, its just where it gets billed to that is different. BC Ambulance charges $530 for a ground ambulance response, however the BC Medical Services Program covers all but $80 of it, hence why everyone thinks calling 911 only costs $80.
5 USD for Nurse Sick Call
15 USD (I believe) for Dental Sick Call
8 USD for (most) Medications
Free to be evaluated by me.
Most actual emergencies are free as well.
Medicare is still reimbursing 80% of the allowable rate, just on 20-30% of the trips they used to. If you end up on an audit they won't reimburse you until the audit is complete, which has been the end of many dishonest and honest companies alike.