Preparing while resources are being used


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As we all know resources from all over the US are being sent to the Gulf States. Water, food, supplies, volunteers, they are all being sent down there.

But what happens if something happens in your area? A massive fire? A tornado? A flash flood? A terrorist attack?

If your company/agency/department has sent equipment/personnel to NO can you still handle these situations? Do plans have to be amended or changed? Do more mutal aid agreements have to formed?

Just something to think about.
I would be willing to bet that most agencies do not send out more than they can do without. Volunteering is absolutely a sacrifice but I would hope those in charge are smart enough to keep taking care of their own first.
Im going to make another set of rounds to the local EMS serivces and let them know Im still needing a job if they are needing someone to fill in for EMTs that are deployed, it doesnt look like I will be able to go south, sadly. :(

Cap'n Panic, that's a great idea. Since I can't afford to work right now (talk about an oxymoron) I'm going to get to the red cross and join thier chapter here. If we can't go there at least we can do Something.
AMR may be sending folks from up here, I very well may go. I'm suyre we could still make our dialisys trips :rolleyes:

I just showed up at my squad for a bit of a shock. The PA DOH has activated the EMS "SURGE Teams"' in the area. My co. is going from 5 rigs to 3, and they are sending our 2 newist rigs, so we are left in the POS rigs :rolleyes: . Looks like I'm being left behind to cover shifts...
