PreHospital Emergency Care or......?


Forum Probie
Emergency- Care and Transportation for the Sick and Injured 9th ed. I have 2 class choices, each uses the 2 different texts. Is there an adantage to either text? The class which uses the AAOS text is 5 months long and has 20 hrs of lab time. The other class is 3 months long and has 30 hrs of lab time. Each class is 2 days a week and 3 hours long. I am leaning toward the longer course just because there seems to be more class time and it is an evening schedule. Any suggestions or does it not really make much difference. I have been acceped at both classes.




EMS Guru
No, all textbooks are written under the same standards of the NHTSA curriculum. Some have prettier pictures and diagrams than others... Within a year, the current ones will be obsolete anyway... as the publishers will be pushing the New Scope of Practice.

R/r 911

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
I was trained on the AAOS books, but have some Brady's that I inherited. there is littel meaningful diffences, as both meet the same national DOT standards. On top of that, my instructors never focused too much on the books. We were expected to read them and what not, but they actually taught us in a ay that the books would just reenforce it latter. That is the big deal when considering the program you go to. Not all programs were created equal. Personally, I'm all for the longer classes. I know we live in the NOW NOW NOW world, but the more time you have to absorb the information, the more ingrained it will be when it comes time to test/certify and the better you will be as an EMT, IMHO. I've met people who choose the quickest class they can and I am affraid for their patients! Sometime I wish they would expand the hours needed to certify to 200+ and make it a minimum 6 month class. Lab time and couse length, however, seem to be less of a concern than how good of a course/instructors they are.


Forum Probie
Thanks for the input, I will probably go with the longer class and see if I can get some additional lab time. Class time is fine but from past experiences I know that its hard to really know what is going on until you get some time in the field.