Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

Apparently there is an issue with my test. I was initially supposed to take it on dec 21, but it was cancelled due to bad weather. Pearson did not cancel my appointment before it switched over to "no show" status, and that what what was reported to NREMT. I took my test this Saturday, the 28th, and apparently I'm stuck in no show status with NREMT. I called them today and they said they would call me back, but I never heard anything. SOOOO AGGRAVATING!!!! I might need to go get a script for some Valium before this is all over!!!

I took my NREMT paramedic written December 10th after having been out of school for 1 year and 11 months, Just pushing the 2 year rule.

Test ended at 82 questions and I passed! Whoop Whoop.

I took mine in the late morning and it took 4 hours for my results to be posted to the NREMT site
NREMT test questions.

Hey, EMS world

Last week I took the NREMT exam and I thought it was going to be the worst exam to take. I was so nervous that I had to take some zofran. But in reality it was actually easier than the state final exam. I am from MN and our test is the Pearson VUE CBT exam. The computer will throw out questions based on how well you answer the first question and so forth. If the computer thinks you did not get the correct answer it will give you a mush easier question, and etc. It took me 45 minutes to complete the exam. And when it shut me down at 70, I thought for sure that I bombed it. But from what I have heard that the less questions you take and if the computer thinks you meet the requirements to become a competent EMT-B. then you pass. If you know the material, and my advice to you is to read the questions twice and slowly read the answers because they can be tricky at sometimes. Good Luck to those who are going to take this exam in the future. Try not to worry or be nervous get plenty of sleep a eat a healthy diet and as always don't consume any alcoholic beverages the night before.

Jeffrey M. EMT-B. Minnesota
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I am rather nervous about my results. Don't think I did too hot...if not, then study harder next time!

Do you feel like you were getting easy, super basic questions, or do you feel like you were getting questions that were at the very top limit of what a basic should know/maybe even exceeding (I felt that I had a couple exceeding)? If the latter, you most likely passed!
You know, it was kind of funny. I have a terrible habit of tallying things, and that is what I used the whiteboard they gave me for.

I have 90 questions. I had four questions relating to airway/breathing, 7 questions relating to trauma, and 12 questions relating to cardiology. I had 67! OBGYN questions. Half of those were about pregnancy disturbances, and the a good portion of APGAR questions, and a good portion of infant assessment.

They were difficult though....tomorrow will tell.
You know, it was kind of funny. I have a terrible habit of tallying things, and that is what I used the whiteboard they gave me for.

I have 90 questions. I had four questions relating to airway/breathing, 7 questions relating to trauma, and 12 questions relating to cardiology. I had 67! OBGYN questions. Half of those were about pregnancy disturbances, and the a good portion of APGAR questions, and a good portion of infant assessment.

They were difficult though....tomorrow will tell.

Thank GOD I didn't get your test. OB/GYN stuff is the hardest to me, and I always fail that section on practice tests. I only had 3-4.
I passed mine on my first try with 150 questions and it's been 4 months since I finished medic school. I just found out 30 minutes ago too! I used the study tools and took their practice test through my instructor 3 separate times to prepare for it. Their tests give you a score and then tell you specific areas to study based on the questions you missed. The instructor tests were free but the other practice study tools was $30 and allowed for multiple reattempts of the same practice tests. I would highly recommend them.