Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

EMT-b: 120
AEMT: 135 (All tests went to 135 regardless of how you do)

This is a question to anyone that has taken both the EMT B and the AEMT. Do you guys think that the AEMT test is a lot harder than the EMT B, or are the questions just wrote/asked in a different way?
Took my test yesterday stopped at 70 and I was like on no I failed lol so for a coupe hours I was kinda upset at myself for failing then I got the email saying I passed and I was like how lol but i'm happy first try
Took my test yesterday stopped at 70 and I was like on no I failed lol so for a coupe hours I was kinda upset at myself for failing then I got the email saying I passed and I was like how lol but i'm happy first try

That's exactly what I thought after I left the testing center. I believe the way that the CBT testing works is that if your exam gets cut off early then you have either performed extremely poorly or done extremely well.
Read your link it says as few as 60... I apparently needed 11 more than 60 which seems average. Here is the deal. I took the first open test date because in the end you either know your sh**** or you Dont. I too was worried but it isn't brain science or rocket surgery it is what you just spent a semester of your life learning. If you have proven yourself competent enough to take the test and you take your time and use your gut you will get it.
True u should know-_- it but it is a tricky test and I don't know what that other dude is saying mine did stop at 67
Read your link it says as few as 60... I apparently needed 11 more than 60 which seems average. Here is the deal. I took the first open test date because in the end you either know your sh**** or you Dont. I too was worried but it isn't brain science or rocket surgery it is what you just spent a semester of your life learning. If you have proven yourself competent enough to take the test and you take your time and use your gut you will get it.
70 - 120
2 hours

I just took the EMT-b two days ago for the first time!

Cut off at 70 and passed ^_^
NREMT testing...

I tested dec 26th and didn't notice the number of question I was on but PASSED at 39.5 min.
Took mine yesterday and it stopped at about 72. About 40 minutes to get through it. I thought I failed it like others mentioned but I passed!
took it yesterday @ 2:00 pm and stoped at 68 and thought i faild forsure after taking a shot of nyquil to sleep i found out at 9:00 am the next morning litrally the minute after having a code on my paramedic ride for school i found out i passed.

a buddy of mine took it today @ 11:00 am and found out 4:00 they stoped him at 120 and he passed.
Shut off at 70 couldn't believe my eyes when I saw I passed...that test made my head spin
First attempt: 72 - fail
Second attempt: 120 - pending...
im freaking out lol... i really don't wanna take it again D: