Portable Automatic BP Cuff?

Plus if they have no pressure it will not read, or take a while to do it. I like to listen and feel when taking a B/P. and if I have a problem getting a pulse, I will keep the cuff pumped up and listen to the pulse rate. It works great on a beriatric Pt where trying to wade through the extra skin to find a pulse point is very hard. The only real problem on using a manual cuff I have found is if the Pt is skin and bones and non-complaint and will not extend his arm to get a proper reading.
Plus if they have no pressure it will not read, or take a while to do it. I like to listen and feel when taking a B/P. and if I have a problem getting a pulse, I will keep the cuff pumped up and listen to the pulse rate. It works great on a beriatric Pt where trying to wade through the extra skin to find a pulse point is very hard. The only real problem on using a manual cuff I have found is if the Pt is skin and bones and non-complaint and will not extend his arm to get a proper reading.

Hate to say this, but a manual cuff is not going to be much help there either! If they have no pressure, there is no pressure to get!;)
You have to use proper size cuffs regardless of whether manual or automatic or your readings are wrong. An elderly skin and bone person may require a small child cuff. A fat person may require a thigh cuff on the arm. Those size lines are there to make sure you get an accurate BP which is critical for diagnosing prior to pushing meds, etc.
Hate to say this, but a manual cuff is not going to be much help there either! If they have no pressure, there is no pressure to get!;)
I have had a Pt that was 50 systoilic where a auto cuff couldn't find it.
You have to use proper size cuffs regardless of whether manual or automatic or your readings are wrong. An elderly skin and bone person may require a small child cuff. A fat person may require a thigh cuff on the arm. Those size lines are there to make sure you get an accurate BP which is critical for diagnosing prior to pushing meds, etc.
I was using the proper cuff size, the guy just didn't leave his arm straight. I tried different spots on the arm but his bicep and tendons kept getting in the way. When I used an auto cuff it worked much better.
The trith is this is one idea that diferent countrys will give you new resons to really say yes or no, but the truth is most automatic cuffs are really inacuret and can make it hard to give top grade help. Plus if the patiente crashed and is moving to much the auto B/P will be giving you next to 0 reading.

In the town i work in p.r. you can use the auto B/P cuffs but its your licence at risck and if the patient dies you lose every thing.

Spell check seems to be a "risck" too


Sorry just giving ya a hard time but...
One thing I REALLY wish ALL of us basics had, would be a Pulse Ox. My partner I work with in the AM for my 24 has one and it is honestly a life saver and IMO improves patient care.

Please explain specifically how it will improve patient care.