
We're trying to learn from our mistakes. Putting it all on one person's shoulders was a mistake. We put our trust in someone and got burned. Now we're trying to create a better solution.

Thanks BBG.

So you should put it all on two people's shoulders. The Hotel and Sasha show it is! :P
You can't second it. You were the first. Asi and ffemt seconded and thirded it and I fourthed it.
Your cats can fifth and sixth it though!
If you would like us to SERIOUSLY consider this, send us a message through the Contact Us feature. If not, let's get this back on topic.
He said 2 weeks well over a month ago. :glare:

You're right that is ridiculous I move that we slash the moderators pay by 50 percent immediately. If this shoddy behavior continues we may have to stop paying them altogether :)
He said 2 weeks well over a month ago. :glare:

You've been in contact with Firetender, no? Any additional concerns please feel free to PM me.

You're right that is ridiculous I move that we slash the moderators pay by 50 percent immediately. If this shoddy behavior continues we may have to stop paying them altogether :)

<looks in empty coffee cup> Please sir, no more reductions. </looks>