

Forum Captain
No offense, but it sounds ridiculously unhealthy. Once you start working out, you'll find that you'll have your own natural energy and you won't need any supplements.

Have you ever actually lifted weights? It totally depends on how long your work outs are. If you are a regular American (Still 20-30 lbs overweight). Then yeah, maybe 30 - 60 min at the gym is good enough.
I like to work out for 2-4 hours a day, maybe even double shift and natural energy is something I will run out of.

its not reaally a "supplement" its more of a pre-work out powder you mix with water or whatever

its pretty much concentrated Caffene, with other energizing substances

its VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY x10000000 Strong

i remember the first time i tried it, i had two Very small scoops, i felt like running 5 miles to the gym, working out for 5 hours, then running all the way back!!! it gave me rediculous amounts of energy

Remember the movie crank? yeah thats how your going to be like

I recomend it during the day and not the night as you WONT be able to sleep,
and only use it if your going to serious about going to the gym

and its quite the diuretic!

Really? I do 3,5 scoops and I don't feel like that. People have different tolerance levels though. My cardio and muscle endurance is freaking insane on this stuff.


Community Leader Emeritus
Why the HECK are you spending that much time in the gym? Do you realize that you are probably doing more harm than good by not allowing your body any recovery time? Unless you are some sort of distance runner (and you are running the whole time) there is no reason to be spending that much time in the gym. Losing weight is a matter of calories in vs calories out. Diet is the best way to control your calorie intake/output, while exercise can help increase a caloric deficit. Exercise can also be used to increase strength and endurance.

If you are spending 2-4 hours a day in the gym and you are no losing any weight, or you are losing it slowly you need to take a very hard look at your diet. Do some research and figure out what your basal metabolic rate is, and how many calories a day you need to sustain your BMR and your activity level, that will get you your maintenance calorie amount, or how many calories you need to eat a day to stay exactly where you are right now. Once you have that number you can figure out how many calories you should be eating a day in order to lose weight. You need to be careful not to set your calories too low, or else you risk running into other problems, like poor recovery, fatigue among other things. The number I've been quoted by my doctor is reduce your calories by no more than 10-20%. So if your maintenance calories are 2000 cal/day, subtract 200-400, giving you 1800-1600 cals a day to lose weight.

You can also increase your deficit through exercise, but your total calorie intake still should not drop under that 10-20% level. So if you are eating 1600 cals a day, and burn 200 calories in the gym, you need to eat an extra 200 cals to stay at the 20%.

If you are taking 3-5 scoops of Jack3d you need to lay off. Seriously, for the sake of the health of your heart, taper off of it. There are significant levels of caffeine and other stimulants in one scoop of that, and the manufacturer states you should take no more than 3 scoops in 24 hours.


Forum Captain
Why the HECK are you spending that much time in the gym? Do you realize that you are probably doing more harm than good by not allowing your body any recovery time? Unless you are some sort of distance runner (and you are running the whole time) there is no reason to be spending that much time in the gym. Losing weight is a matter of calories in vs calories out. Diet is the best way to control your calorie intake/output, while exercise can help increase a caloric deficit. Exercise can also be used to increase strength and endurance.

If you are spending 2-4 hours a day in the gym and you are no losing any weight, or you are losing it slowly you need to take a very hard look at your diet. Do some research and figure out what your basal metabolic rate is, and how many calories a day you need to sustain your BMR and your activity level, that will get you your maintenance calorie amount, or how many calories you need to eat a day to stay exactly where you are right now. Once you have that number you can figure out how many calories you should be eating a day in order to lose weight. You need to be careful not to set your calories too low, or else you risk running into other problems, like poor recovery, fatigue among other things. The number I've been quoted by my doctor is reduce your calories by no more than 10-20%. So if your maintenance calories are 2000 cal/day, subtract 200-400, giving you 1800-1600 cals a day to lose weight.

You can also increase your deficit through exercise, but your total calorie intake still should not drop under that 10-20% level. So if you are eating 1600 cals a day, and burn 200 calories in the gym, you need to eat an extra 200 cals to stay at the 20%.

If you are taking 3-5 scoops of Jack3d you need to lay off. Seriously, for the sake of the health of your heart, taper off of it. There are significant levels of caffeine and other stimulants in one scoop of that, and the manufacturer states you should take no more than 3 scoops in 24 hours.


I played 6 years of professional hockey in the US and Europe. I had some of the best team trainers and doctors in the world. I am doing my regular work out schedule which includes a lot of cardio and endurance training for about 2 hours. That includes low weight and lots of reps. Then I lift for about 2 hours. That's when the real weight comes in.
Trust me I know how to figure out how much I need to consume to stay, loose, or gain weight.

What you are stating is something I see as a myth.

Also, tell my friend who is in the Marine Reconnaissance that it's dangerous to work out for that long. I'd love to see his response.

Arnold Schwarzenegger spent entire days in the gym. That's how he achieved what he did.

IF you think that taking 3-5 scoops of Jack3d is going to do more harm than consuming 5-8 cups of coffee in a day, you're totally wrong.

I have personal trainers, ex team trainers, and ex team docs in the city I live in right now. I have had long conversations with them about what protein and supplements I should consume to get up to my "ideal" weight for what I want to achieve (215lbs). I'm not in there to loose weight. I'm in there to gain weight.
I don't consume a supplement if I think it's going to do harm. I especially do not think that my doc will clear a supplement if he thinks it's dangerous.

As long as I'm consuming the right stuff and rehabilitating my muscles correctly, I don't think I'll have a problem.
Remember, I'm used to playing 60-80 games a year :D I know all about rehabbing my muscles.

Thank you for caring though! I do check my heart once a year. The docs said it usually takes 5-15 min for the heart to reach its peak while running, so that they are able to run the tests. Took me 45 min haha.


Community Leader Emeritus
I'm just going to shake my head and walk away.

Arnold was on steroids, and if you don't think people who work out like that run into problems down the road you aren't paying attention.