

Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
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Not strictly EMS but they do stick needles in people. I have a friend who just finished phlebotomy school and is have a hell of a time getting a job (in Houston). I know it's a long shot but does anyone have any advice or perhaps a friend who's a phlebotomist that might have some advice.
I did some phlebotomy for a while. I worked at a blood center. It’s an entry level job.
I did some phlebotomy for a while. I worked at a blood center. It’s an entry level job.

Do you have any tips for passing the national test. Any web sites or books.

props for passing. I've bee helping her study and I can honestly say the writen part is harder that my paramedic material.

Where sis you work and whatnwas the pay like if you don't mind me asking.
I was at the Blood Center in Washington. The money was mid teens as I recall. It was before medic school, and there was no national board test. It was a certificate program. If you were competent, you were hired. They were constantly looking for phlebotomists. Every clinic, urgent care, and doctors office were hiring.
I was at the Blood Center in Washington. The money was mid teens as I recall. It was before medic school, and there was no national board test. It was a certificate program. If you were competent, you were hired. They were constantly looking for phlebotomists. Every clinic, urgent care, and doctors office were hiring.

I said national but meant state. The material they have to cover is in my opinion overkill. The book is thicker than my paramedic textbook.
It was pretty simple. Be aseptic. Know what's in the tubes. Know what tubes for what tests. Know the draw order. Be competentt in sticking all ages... it wasn't hard work.
Have her try blood plasma centers for experience; they seem to have a lot of turnover. People get hired, get experience and go to hospitals, etc