Personal MVA not in Ambulance, worried about getting let go.


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I got into a personal accident while driving to work with my own personal vehicle--no ambulance, work anything involved. I was at fault and got a ticket, my vehicle taking most of the damage and the other persons car just a few dents. I called and let them know what happened because of how late I would be. They told me to still come into work and they would call to see what would happen. I got to work and ran a few calls, then finally my supervisor called me back saying that it was up to the company's Insurance on what would happen and that he would let me know. I'm still waiting to hear back from him on what the Insurance says, but I'm worried I'll get fired. I've been working at this company for almost 4 months and was told when I started that I couldn't get any driving violations from time I started until October 1st. It's only the 27th so I'm afraid that I'm going to get fired even though this is my first violation in a few years but I'm still pretty new and extremely nervous. Any advise??
Just wait and see. It's all going to depend on your company and the insurance company.
Just wait and see. It's all going to depend on your company and the insurance company.

But at the same time, protect yourself by looking around for other options.
I second both of the above. Put feelers out at other local agencies, but you should be ok. But it's up to the agency insurance carrier. Do you work a BLS truck? If so consider suggesting they make you an attend only. It'll suck for you and your partner, but should get you to keep the job if they go for it.
You were off probation on the first? Anything else on your driving record? Ask your coworkers what management has done in the past similar situations.

If you get fired over that alone then it's probly a place you don't want to work at anyways.
I doubt you'll be let go if your record is reasonably clean. I had a prior license suspension from a speeding ticket that I had thought I paid and ECA and AMR are both cool with it. My record is otherwise sterling though.

Unless you were doing something insane or got a dui, one or two at fault accidents should not kill you