Pediatric Jump Bag

I've seen a few of the bags carried around in the car trunks of some EMS enthusiasts. They are in the trunk with the fishing tackle, dirty gym clothes, other dirty laundry and greasy tools. Often the supplies are out dated or damaged by heat and cold.

Everyone, in the profession or not, should have a basic (as in simple) first-aid kit with them that can be easily tossed when expired and a new one bought to replace it. But, to carry a full BLS jump kit in your POV can be a little over the top. You don't see doctors carrying around alot of medical supplies, nor any of the other healthcare professions. They carry a cell phone and do what they can if they even choose to get involved.
The only thing faster than a new EMT, First Responder etc, to include whackers, getting a personal jump bag, is a fire monkey headed for the buffet.

There's another forum I can suggest that you can take your fire monkey jokes to. This forum has EMS providers from private, municipal, county and FIRE. However, they do come here to discuss EMS regardless of where they work.
2) as far as on duty, one company i used to work for had a dedicated pedi bag on the medic truck. pedi cuff, pedi iv stuff, broslow tape etc. that made it easier when we got a pedi call. everything in one place. sure, we have dupes of everything throughout the truck but this eliminated the hunting and gathering.

I am not sure where and who you work for but the way our trucks are set up All the iv
is in one cabinet and all the other
is kept grouped together by what it does....anyway back to the OP I do carry a personal "jump kit" for adults I do not carry a pedi bag I do stick some pedi equipment in my bag though. Hope this helps.
i have a small bag i the boot that is just has some basic first aid supplies, BVM, a cheap steth and a B/P cuff. Mind you half of this i didn't even buy, it was stuf left over from university. The total "paediatric component is a kiddie BVM and OPA's

I know some get upset with people having a BVM in the car, but really its not that much different from having a face mask. Now blokes with IV rolls, Hartmann's and LMA's etc are a worry
I know some get upset with people having a BVM in the car, but really its not that much different from having a face mask.

No problem as long as you can assure it is in a container to prevent contamination. Nothing like complicating a child's successful resuscitation only to have them die from fungal spores and bacteria. The face mask can also be contaminated but the bag part of the BVM is a great breeding ground for microbiology studies. The same with those cute little plastic bulb snot suckers.
Does AJ work for a fire dept? Just curious.

I am certified in Florida as a Career Fireman, and I currently am a volunteer in Jersey.
I am not sure where and who you work for but the way our trucks are set up All the iv is in one cabinet and all the other is kept grouped together by what it does....

In other words, you don't use a Braslow set up or bag on your trucks.
Let me clarify for those of you who take offense to any and everything, my little idiom was intended to make the point that new EMTs, First Responders, etc are so quick to obtain a jumpbag, fill it full of things they have little or no use for, and seldom maintain.

My father founded the first volunteer fire departments in my county, and I have on more than one occasion, referred to him and his fellow firemen as firemonkeys, just as they referred to me as an ambulance driver.

I see EMTs and Medics who get their panties all in a wad every time someone refers to them as Ambulance drivers, but WTF? Were we all not taught the old saying, "sticks and stones.....but words will never hurt me"?

And yes Vent, I am on the other site, and yes, I've seen your diatribes there as well, so get off it.

But as someone has pointed out here, do you want some one working on you or your family with a jumpbag full of old expired supplies, that has been bouncing around in the trunk of the car or in the back of a farm truck?

Anyway, there it is.

Flame away.
And yes Vent, I am on the other site, and yes, I've seen your diatribes there as well, so get off it.

I do defend FFs since that is my roots and I don't care what you call your own family members. I don't agree with the FF bashing on the other forum which is why I do sling it back at them occasionally especially if they believe they are everyone's gift to everything and few can back up what they say.
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Stay on topic, and lay off the personal attacks...unless you want to become the focus of my complete and undivided attention.

No problem as long as you can assure it is in a container to prevent contamination. Nothing like complicating a child's successful resuscitation only to have them die from fungal spores and bacteria. The face mask can also be contaminated but the bag part of the BVM is a great breeding ground for microbiology studies. The same with those cute little plastic bulb snot suckers.
Still in their sealed packaging
Stay on topic, and lay off the personal attacks...unless you want to become the focus of my complete and undivided attention.


Kind of off topic, I know, but do you create all those cool admin .gif things yourself?
Back to the bag topic, I carry one bag for all. I don't keep it in my POV, its for work, however I do travel with it to other station for overtime, so it will occasionally end up going home with me. The size and weight is a bit much, but I like keeping all my stuff in one bag. That doesn't include o2, drugs or monitor.
This thread is becoming epic!
We already have a separate pack of Pediatric supplies, specific to the EMSC recommendations, not the state's requirements - but still with in our scope. I don't know why I'd need one in my POV. I don't even carry any more than a simple first aid kit. Until such is required, I don't plan to consider it either.

Kind of off topic, I know, but do you create all those cool admin .gif things yourself?

You'd be amazed how much free animation software is already included in the basic home PC program. It's easier to download, or buy a frame by frame .gif creator. Works in the same manner as one of those little flip books that you use like a silent film.