Paying attention in class.


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Anyone have any tips on how to fully pay attention in class? I noticed myself going on my own little mind trips several times throughout todays class and totally missing out on what the instructor was saying. Thinking back to basic school, I also did this... Does anyone have any tips to help me pay attention more? Any type of legal drugs that will help me keep the focus? Thanks.
there are no tips for this in my world. Paying attention is a choice. You either choose to do it or not. Drugs of any kind do not make that choice for you. You can play games with yourself, like; "Well maybe I can look at it as if MY life depended on it (which, essentially your professional life DOES!)" but still, it's all about choosing it as if it mattered.
I have ADHD and have no trouble paying attention while in class learning something that interest me :P

Sit up straight and stare at your instructor. Atleast then you'll be able to look like you're paying attention.
honestly no
but if it helps bring a tape recorder to your lesson so later when you can pay attention you dont really miss out on anything.
i have this problem sometimes...especially when theres no interaction the prof just lectures on and on and on
My school video records all of our lectures, so if you don't pay attention you can just watch it again later.
Taking notes helps me pay attention. I write a lot. As I'm writing and simultaneously thinking about exactly what I'm writing (like replaying it in my mind) and also listening to the instructor I can often tell when I'm confused. This helps me ask good questions.

Also, I find that when I am distracted and not paying attention, it often means that I am tired. If you get drowsy I think the best thing to do is get up and go stand in the back of the room. Do the rest of the class standing up. Don't try to fight it sitting in your chair. YMMV
Sit in the front and take notes. If the class is to long and you are fading, excuse yourself to take a "break" by going to the bathroom when it isn't very important stuff. Then you can come back feeling a bit refreshed.
If you can take notes on a laptop, which I doubt, microsoft word has a built in recorder if you have a mic. Very useful, because it syncs your notes with the audio and you can click on a line to find the audio.
I've found myself mind wondering many times during a lecture. It just kinda happens. For me it seems as I get older, its harder for me to be a good audio learner. I learn the most when I go home and read the material and research it online.

I don't have any tips to avoid mind trips in class... for me like I said it just kinda happens.
honestly no
but if it helps bring a tape recorder to your lesson so later when you can pay attention you dont really miss out on anything.
i have this problem sometimes...especially when theres no interaction the prof just lectures on and on and on

Do we have the same teacher?

Just kidding.


As for paying attention, I have not found one cure-all thing for paying attention. But usually the thought of the test that is coming up will do it for me. Find yourself daydreaming, think about test day and picture yourself sitting there with 50 of the 150 done with 15 minutes left........I bet you'll be paying attention so hard your instructor will feel it...... ^_^
Anyone have any tips on how to fully pay attention in class? I noticed myself going on my own little mind trips several times throughout todays class and totally missing out on what the instructor was saying. Thinking back to basic school, I also did this... Does anyone have any tips to help me pay attention more? Any type of legal drugs that will help me keep the focus? Thanks.

i did this yesterday in basic its kinda hard not to mind drift some instrutors dont let you audio tape them u have to ask tho
I have ADHD and have no trouble paying attention while in class learning something that interest me :P

Sit up straight and stare at your instructor. Atleast then you'll be able to look like you're paying attention.

lol thats when i mind drift lol my add is so bad i broke the arm of the chair my frist day :(
This is a good question. Being a good student just doesn't happen, it's an active process. Here is what I teach my students:

1. Prepare for class - Do your homework and review your notes. Then, spend a few minutes going over what you're planning on learning that day.
2. Seat - Your seat is everything. Sit in the front of the class so you can make eye contact with the instructor. It's easier to doze off or day dream when you know no one is watching.
3. Take Ownership of the Topic - You may not love what you're learning every day, but take ownership over it and fake it if you don't. Pretend like every lesson is your favorite, and every topic discussed in class interests you.
4. Listen - Listen as the teacher is talking and truly think about what you're hearing. Think about the topic as you hear it, and how it relates to what you already know.
5. Take notes - Find what kind of note taking works for you, and take them. Seriously, I take notes at all my meetings, though I will throw them away half the time. Taking notes helps me organize information in my head and helps me contextualize the information I'm hearing.
6. Remember why you're there - You're in school to learn, and that should be your ultimate goal. You're in EMT class to be an EMT. Do whatever you have to do to get there. If you have to fake being a good student until it comes naturally, do it.

Good luck, I hope that helps.
Take notes even if you don't need them. I never had the need to take notes through basic class and I had problems paying attention. But whenever I took notes for a friend who had to miss class periodically, I had no problem staying up on what the instructor was saying.

My class was from 6-10 two nights a week. Throw that on top of being a full time student outside of EMT class, I was sometimes brain dead. I found that loading on a Red Bull or two before class did wonders for my attention span.
All good valid advise, but If you think you have ADHD go get an evaluation from a mental health professional IE psychiatrist, specifically a child/adult psychiatrist. Child psychiatrist have more training in the matter than pretty much anyone else.

If your not sure get a book called "Delivered from distraction" it was written by 2 Harvard psychiatrist both with ADHD. I highly recommend it. I struggled with school my entire life, I was happy if I could get C's, paying attention in class was torture. I was not diagnosed until college and once I was placed on meds my grades shot up to strait A's!