Pay Based on Patient Outcome

If you desire to effect change in your place of work, the place to do that is in your workplace. My husband is a firefighter paramedic with a civil department who pays its garbage collectors more than either its teachers or its paramedics. You can whine about it, feel badly about it, quit the job or attempt to legislate or negotiate changes. (snip)

That's a darned good idea, let's pay the politicians based on outcomes. Like whether they spend funds on basic things like EMS and fire. Now *that* would be progress.


Tom White,
In my state there was a referendum to tie increases in teacher salaries to the cost of living in the district in which they taught. Mandatory increases in pay, not up to the local administration but mandated by the state. Currently there are also attempts to sue the state for not properly funding the infrastructure of the schools which results in local maintenance levies. Several district have filed a class action law suit saying the state constitution says the state has to provide the buildings and the physical plant necessary to educate the kids.

Political action is possible to change any pay schedule that comes out of public funds. It's not easy especially since in EMS we're generally suffering too much from sleep deprivation to mobilize into any kind of political action.