Patient Rapport

I once had a well experienced RN pass on this bit of his wisdom: "You can't help someone who is hurt, scared or angry." Many of our patients fit somewhere into one of those categories. Attempt to ease those issues and many times your patient will allow you to help them, not just tolerate what you do to them. Your patient might just end up thinking the world of you simply because you cared about them and helped ease their fears. Take a minute and turn lights off, shut and lock doors, check the stove and oven to make sure they're off... it's the little things that don't take a whole lot of time to do. Ask them if there's anything you can do for them... Just that one question (and following upon it if possible) can make a patient feel much more at ease. Thus your patient feels less hurt, less scared, and/or less angry.

Try working in a correctional setting.
Actually, the issue there is also not to be played but still give decent care.
I once had a well experienced RN pass on this bit of his wisdom: "You can't help someone who is hurt, scared or angry." Many of our patients fit somewhere into one of those categories. Attempt to ease those issues and many times your patient will allow you to help them, not just tolerate what you do to them. Your patient might just end up thinking the world of you simply because you cared about them and helped ease their fears. Take a minute and turn lights off, shut and lock doors, check the stove and oven to make sure they're off... it's the little things that don't take a whole lot of time to do. Ask them if there's anything you can do for them... Just that one question (and following upon it if possible) can make a patient feel much more at ease. Thus your patient feels less hurt, less scared, and/or less angry.

You know just once I'd like to be partnered up with a medic like you Akulahawk. It's a rare person who realizes that it's the little things that put people at ease.
Try working in a correctional setting.
Actually, the issue there is also not to be played but still give decent care.
Indeed. Learning from malingering athletes was a good primer for doing medical transports from the Main Jail and/or FSP.
You know just once I'd like to be partnered up with a medic like you Akulahawk. It's a rare person who realizes that it's the little things that put people at ease.
One day, when I'm able to get back in the game... :blush: Until then, I'll just have to do what I can for my patients as I learn how to be a Nurse.