HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability Act
I have no idea what HIPPA is. Just throwin' that out there.
If it's HIPAA as you say, where's the second A in your expansion?
It's HIPPA = Health Insurance Privacy and Portability Act
As to the rest of this, I once slipped on a puddle of water on the floor at Sears. Hit the ground hard enough that the seam on my shorts left a line on my thigh, and for the first couple of minutes, the leg was so stunned it wouldn't bear my weight. (I was maybe 12, and was a thin/short child, not much weight to bear). The store personnel insisted I fill out their form toe covered to check checked out on their dime, and to cover their arse in case I was seriously injured and the family decided to sue, and make it out to be worse than it was.
Of course, the difference was, it was store personnel who presented the form, not EMS. I don't know, if you were hired to be the coverage for the event, it kind out sounds like you'd be billing the event company, and as such, them being the payer, it's information they want/need to know.